Duvain Caledhel

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Roles available: Prince, King, other royalty/nobleman, guard, advisor, adventurer, tavern worker, etc. Generally any fantasy based role would be doable.

Being an elf, his true age is far over a single century, although he looks to be merely in his 20s or 30. I RP any sort of elf if it would fit better in an RP, my profile picture is the main elf I am unless I post/send a picture to you directly. Also, I often have him vary from being a mage(magic-wielder), mage-form has a staff matching the type of elf he is, other classes also carry their corresponding 'weapon of choice' (Dagger for a Rogue, Sword/Axe/Hammer for a Warrior, Bow for an archer, etc.), and typically either way can become an animal, or different animals, it depends on which sort of elf I am (Blood, Dark, Wood, etc.). Duvain also has at least some control over most natural things. He is both Polygamous and Polytheistic.

Description: Duvain means 'beautiful darkness', he (or she) has a great singing voice (due to the elven nature), speaking voice has a slim 'singing quality' to it, as in whenever he (or she) talks it sounds like they are about to sing. Like most elves, his ears are sensitive, so feel free to touch and play with his ears. Not only are they extremely sensitive but they get him to a point of extreme horniness after just a bit of playing, however he (usually) cannot cum from just ear-play, which can result in frustrating situations or for him to potentially beg for an orgasm.

Kinks: https://www.f-list.net/c/duvain%20caledhel/

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 180 lbs

Age: Appears 20 or 30s, actually in early 200s.

Duvain a'Cadhel (of the Darkness) (Caledhel to any non-elves) was given the honorific last name upon attaining the status of high king and cannot lose it as it is the highest ranking one can achieve and is one of four honorifics that stays permanently. The honorific represents Duvain's ranking, his mastery of combat, strategy, magic, diplomacy among other things. The honorific is based on an elves' ranking and the other things listed as well as simply what they can do. The four that stay are: Slave, traitor, High King who is a master of everything or almost everything and, finally, God. Few Elves have officially attained this Honorific, however Duvain claims he will soon become "Duvain a'ri'san'Cadhel", or "Duvain Elf (ri) God (san) of Darkness". He has weapons that look like the Daedric Weapons from Skyrim, however he doesn't usually use these, instead using weapons of a different styling. Due to his mastery of weapons, he often carries a variety of weapons, always having with him a sword and knife then usually a whip, across his back is a weapon strap to hold a large weapon, he will oftentimes carry a pistol hanging on the belt he wears on his waist. And he can summon a weapon in his hand from his personal armory or from a location where he dropped a weapon, although this can drain his magic so he rarely does so, preferring to just carry the assortment of weapons.

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