Big Universe

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Greg Universe is the father of Steven Universe and was the romantic partner of the late Rose Quartz. He is the current owner of It's a Wash.

Greg struggled financially for most, if not all, of his adult life. However, in "Drop Beat Dad" he is awarded a royalty check and becomes a millionaire. Greg later uses some of the money to go on a trip with Steven and Pearl, where he and Pearl finally make peace with one another after having a strained relationship for decades. As Steven became more involved in his life as a Crystal Gem, Greg continued to support his son and learned to have more faith in him after previously showing concern for Steven's safety during his missions.

After living in his van for years, Greg moves into the Beach House in "The Future" when Steven decides to move out and find himself in the world.

With his son away, things changed a lot for Greg. One of his old songs was used in an extremely popular streaming series, leading to him making tons of money off the huge popularity his music had gained. Now rich beyond belief Greg still lives a rather simple life, enjoying his car wash, playing music, and using that Universe charm on any gem or human that catches his eye~

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