Star Wars Bunny

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(Lets get this out of the way first: I'm not really the biggest fan of new Star Wars, and I actually haven't even seen Visions yet. But apparently, Lop didn't have much screen time and her story left off on a cliffhanger and she's really cute, so I figure it shouldn't be too hard to pick her up and hopefully get some fun stories going ^^)

Lop is a Force sensitive individual from a race of people enslaved by the Empire. At some point, she was made an orphan and she escaped their control to live on the streets of the oriental themed planted Tao. She stole all her food, which would eventually lead her to meeting Ocho and Yasaburo of the Yasaburo clan, a well known and respected clan of Tao. Lop was quickly adopted into the clan and made part of their family, regarding Ocho as her sister and Yasaburo her father.

After several years of growing up on the peaceful planet, Lop's life would be turned upside down. The Empire attacked after a failed uprising that was supported by Lop's father, and opposed by Ocho. Lop had to watch her family that she loved deeply be torn apart as Ocho left against their father's wishes to join the Empire after she failed to make Yasaburo condemn the growing rebellion with Lop baring witness. She quickly rushed home to inform Yasaburo of the bad news, as well as tell him that she desired to fight against the Empire as well and bring back her sister so they could once again be a happy family.

It was then that Yasaburo decided to name Lop the heir to their family's legacy, seeing her determination and will. He told her that, long a go, a Jedi came to Tao and befriended one of their ancestors. The Jedi taught the ancient Yasaburo clan the ways of the Lighsaber, and before his death passed his own to the clan, which became the family's heirloom. Yasaburo passed this heirloom and all of it's secrets down to Lop. He then told her to wait, that, as the head of the clan, he would make one last attempt to get Ocho to see the light.

After some time of waiting, explosions at the Imperial base made Lop rush over on her speeder with the katana-esque Lightsaber in hand and her droid TD-4 at her side. She would find her father who had lost to Ocho and blinded by her about to be struck down by his very daughter. Lop intervened, blocking the killing blow, and began engaging her beloved sister in intense combat. Mid way through the battle, TD-4 would display a hologram of the sisters and their father while they were young to try and make Ocho see the error of her ways, but was cut down by Ocho with ease. Seeing her beloved drood that had been with her since her life on the streets, Lop's Force abilities awakened and she was able to overpower Ocho after summoning her one of her father's beam reflective sai's to her hand and overwhelming her. Lop was able to disarm her sister and slash her across her chest, but Ocho was able to jump onto a fleeing Imperial ship, leaving their battle unfinished and their family broken.

(That was my summary of the wiki page on Lopi. What's next is my own head cannon for the roleplay side of things)

After Lop and Ocho's battle on top the Imperial Star Destroyer, Lop was distraught that Ocho had left with the Empire, feeling as if she failed. Her father, who was now blinded and bedridden from his injuries from his battle with Ocho, assured her that there would be more opportunities to help Ocho see the light, and Lop agreed. She would not let this be the last time she would see her sister, but worried for her father's health. He was up there in age, and while these wounds were not grave, they were still serious. Luckily, some of the members of the clan who had fled before the showdown returned to take Yasaburo and Lop into hiding. They helped her father back to health, while he did what he could to train Lop for her future struggles, but he was no Jedi and knew nothing of the Force to teach her. She learned all the Lightsaber dueling he could teach her before imploring her: she needed to find someone to help her get stronger. Under the Empire's guidance, Ocho would certainly grow more powerful herself and Lop would have to surpass that if she hoped to bring her family together again. Reluctantly, Lop would leave the capital, leaving her father in the care of the clan so she could head out on her journey. First step after getting TD-4 repaired was to find someone with a ship who could take her off world so she could search cosmos for someone to teach her how to use the Force...she would need to find a Jedi...

(Alright, here's the part you were all waiting for: yes, I do lewd rps, but I need a story to go with it. Clearly I like the Star Wars setting, but I can work with other sci-fi settings if you prefer, but yes, I do prefer sci-fi. I won't be interested in anything slice-of-life and usually won't be interested in anything purely erotic, so no random sex starters, please v.v

Now, what you were really waiting for, I'm sure. Yes, pregnancy is okay, breeding is not. I want our characters to have more of a relationship, and preferably for our story to conclude Lop's arc with her sister before she gets knocked up. So it'll probably be pretty late...but yeah. I'm not a big fan of breeding, so please don't put too much emphases on it when it happens, and maybe not constantly having your character trying to 'breed' her, even if it's unsuccessful... occasionally is fine, just not every time. If you can't tell by the way, this isn't my first time around here ^^;; Anyways...other kinks? They include intimacy, anal training, creampies, heavy petting and foreplay...and I have a guilty pleasure for having multiple partners, but she'd have to trust all involved. On that note though, I know a lot of people don't like playing multiple roles, but due to the sheer scale of the Star Wars universe, I'd really, really like to meet people who would want to do a larger scale play and include some NPCs, some of which I would play too, don't worry. So that would also mean I prefer multi-para rps over anything else >> But back to kinks? Feel free to ask about any you may be interested in. I can be quite kinky, and I'm open to certain things that I may not enjoy sexually myself, like non-con. Might make an interesting story, so I may be open to it depending on the context.

My limits? Well, vore(Sarlaccs included), stomach bulges, womb penetrations(exceptions made for thin, long items like tentacles, but it's gonna be painful for Lop rather than pleasurable), non-standard penetrations, Lop dismemberment or death(NPCs are fine to cut up, that's kinda what some are there for during combat scenes after all), and...hmmm...well, those are the hard limits that I can think of. I thought of a few things that I may not like necessarily, but would allow, like living penetrations for example. So feel free to asl, but respect my decisions if I say no please and I'll do the same for you!)

Some alien options to pick from. It won't let me do a photo.

I love watermelon so much uwu

Current Mood:

It would be pretty neat to see a Mandalorian show up.

Toothache kinda kicking my butt out of nowhere. Dang :'(


Fun fact: Lop is vegetarian. Wasn't sure where to fit that in to her story.

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture