General Skywalker (Vader)

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Dossier: General Anakin Skywalker

Name: Anakin Skywalker

Rank: Jedi Knight, General of the Grand Army of the Republic 

Alias: Vader(?) 

Species: Human 

Homeworld: [REDACTED] 

Affiliation: Jedi Order, Galactic Republic, Grand Army of the Republic 


Lightsaber Form: Form V (Djem So/Shien) 



Subject: General Anakin Skywalker - Combat Profile and Service Record

Service Record Overview

General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, is one of the most formidable commanders of the Clone Wars. His early life remains largely unrecorded, though it is known that he was discovered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and trained by Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. His rapid rise through the ranks during the Clone Wars has made him a key figure in the Republic’s war effort.

Skywalker's innate talent with the Force and extraordinary combat abilities led to his assignment as a general in the Grand Army of the Republic, where his daring tactics and innovative approaches have turned the tide in multiple battles. However, his nontraditional methods, coupled with [REDACTED], have raised concerns within the Jedi Council.

Highlighted Accomplishments

[REDACTED] Campaign: Skywalker's strategic leadership was key in the successful capture of [REDACTED], allowing the Republic to secure valuable supply lines through the Outer Rim. His unconventional use of clone battalions and [REDACTED] maneuver drew widespread attention, cementing his reputation as a commander who defies standard military doctrines.

[REDACTED] Rescue Mission (21 BBY): General Skywalker led an elite strike team behind enemy lines to recover key Republic intelligence from the Separatists. Despite being vastly outnumbered, his tactical planning and control of the Force allowed his team to not only complete the mission but to [REDACTED]. This mission's classified nature means the full details are known only to the Jedi High Council and select military commanders.

Battle of Ryloth (21 BBY): Playing a critical role in the liberation of the Twi'lek homeworld from Separatist control, Skywalker commanded both ground and aerial forces. His space combat prowess during the battle of Ryloth's orbital blockade allowed for the successful landing of Republic ground troops. His quick decision-making under pressure was crucial to the Republic’s victory, securing Twi'lek support for the war effort.

[REDACTED] Incident: During the defense of [REDACTED], General Skywalker single-handedly repelled an entire wave of droid forces, utilizing a combination of aggressive lightsaber techniques and his unparalleled connection to the Force. His actions prevented the fall of [REDACTED], a key Republic stronghold. The specifics of this engagement have been redacted for security reasons.


Psychological Profile

Anakin Skywalker’s commitment to the Republic and the Jedi Order is unquestioned, though he often challenges the strict codes and protocols typically upheld by the Jedi. His emotional bonds with his comrades, especially his Padawan Ahsoka Tano and his close attachment to [REDACTED], have both bolstered his combat effectiveness and raised concerns about his ability to separate his personal feelings from his duties as a Jedi General.

Skywalker’s clone troopers, particularly the 501st Legion, remain fiercely loyal to him due to his insistence on treating them as individuals, which stands in contrast to the views held by some other commanders. His direct approach and willingness to personally lead his men into battle have made him a symbol of hope for both the clones and the civilians he liberates.

However, this same attachment has caused friction with other Jedi and military leaders, particularly regarding his willingness to bypass the Jedi Council’s orders when he feels that they conflict with his personal sense of justice. His increasingly reckless behavior during engagements, particularly in high-risk situations like [REDACTED], has been noted with concern.


Tactical Ingenuity: Skywalker's ability to adapt to rapidly changing battlefield conditions is one of his greatest strengths. His reliance on intuition and the Force often allows him to outmaneuver larger and more prepared enemies.

Pilot Expertise: Anakin's skills in the cockpit are virtually unmatched. His record in space combat is unrivaled among Jedi Generals, as evidenced by his heroics during the [REDACTED] and the Siege of Kamino.

Leadership by Example: Skywalker’s tendency to lead from the front has earned him the admiration and loyalty of his troops, particularly among the 501st. His actions during [REDACTED] set the standard for Jedi leadership in the field.


Emotional Attachments: His strong personal connections, particularly with [REDACTED], have occasionally led to lapses in judgment. These attachments may cloud his decision-making, particularly during missions where his loved ones are at risk.

Disregard for Authority: Skywalker has repeatedly ignored the Jedi Council’s directives in favor of his own methods. His disobedience was most notable during the [REDACTED] campaign, where he prioritized [REDACTED] over orders from the Council, leading to a successful, albeit controversial, victory.


Combat Profile

Anakin Skywalker is known for his aggressive combat style, utilizing the fifth form of lightsaber combat, Djem So. His preference for direct confrontation is evident in his leadership style, often charging into battle alongside his troops. His mastery of telekinesis and Force-assisted reflexes gives him a significant advantage on the battlefield, often overwhelming his opponents before they can react.

His lightsaber prowess is complemented by his remarkable connection to the Force, which allows him to perform feats of agility and precision that other Jedi often struggle to match. His use of the Force during battles such as [REDACTED] has led to decisive victories for the Republic, though it has also raised questions within the Jedi Order about the potential consequences of his increasing reliance on sheer power.

Key Battles

Battle of Christophsis (22 BBY): Skywalker’s first large-scale engagement as a general. His strategy, involving flanking maneuvers and a surprise assault with [REDACTED], led to the Republic’s victory and established Skywalker as a formidable military leader.

[REDACTED] Assault (22 BBY): One of the most classified engagements of the Clone Wars. Details regarding Skywalker’s role remain heavily redacted, but it is known that his leadership turned the tide in what was otherwise considered a lost cause for the Republic.



Report Authored by: [REDACTED] 

Status: Active Commanding Officer of the 501st Legion


[REDACTED] Report Summary

Despite Skywalker's numerous accomplishments, the Jedi Council remains concerned about his growing emotional instability and his increasing defiance of the Jedi Code. His actions during [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED] campaign have forced the Council to reevaluate its trust in his judgment. Though his loyalty to the Republic is unquestioned, it is clear that Skywalker’s [REDACTED] nature may one day pose unforeseen consequences for the Jedi Order.

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