Seras Victoria

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I will mostly play Seras as a normal human being, in an AU setting where she was never turned into a vampire. I tend to prefer the fun stories that can come from those interactions, though I can also play her as her vampire form upon request. I can also play her as a different role than that of a police officer, if we discuss other jobs~

Seras is an attractive young woman with blonde hair cut into a flare cut and blue eyes. She had a fairly broad-shouldered torso, yet maintained a very voluptuous and buxom figure, which was further accentuated by the fact that she is considerably shorter than virtually all of her co-workers. She usually wore a yellow uniform with a matching mini skirt, long white stockings, ankle fold brown boots, and brown gloves.

Seras is often considered a tomboy; a very brave, strong, and heroic young woman who, while exhibiting a wild temperament, is not afraid to question the orders of her superiors if they cross with her personal beliefs. Her devotion to morals and integrity is rather unusual, however she is a loyal and trustworthy soldier who will diligently follow the orders of her commander, provided said commander has proven his or her worth. Her level of maturity in comparison to the others is somewhat questionable; she seems to be the child the others could not be, yet possessing a sort of worldly maturity and superficial intelligence that most others lack, as well as a sort of "nurture winning against nature" mentality, as opposed to most others.

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