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Full details of her early life are unknown, other than that her mother conceived her with the infamous ninja exile. She ended up being raised by her grandmother since her birth.

Honoka acted as a participant in the fifth tournament and had gotten as far as the second match of the fifth division of the Asian qualifiers when her secret powers kicked in which released a burst of energy from her right hand causing her opponent to be knocked over, both were left with minor injuries and interrupting the match and she ended up disqualified as a result and was left with no memory of the incident. It was this event in particular that piqued the interest of Victor Donovan's faction of MIST in her.

Having been raised all her life by her gentle and loving grandmother, she is basically the same although has a very child-like demeanor but when she sees a fight, it's impossible to contain her excitement or the mysterious power surging within her. Honoka is instantly able to learn any fighting move she sees and while keeping this power quiet does test it out in secret.

While not even knowing the origin of her powers Honoka wants to find out about it. She also gets apologetic and offers to help her opponent up after defeating them, caring for others' well-being and doesn't want to injure people despite trying to test this power. She also believes in helping people and especially in that doing so nets a reward. At times Honoka does tease her friends, such as Marie Rose and also loves to eat, especially during festivals, but tends to overeat during these.

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