Rimaki Shadow

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(Standard Bio)

I remember it so well back when I was teenager just starting to become an adult. I had graduated a high school meant for demons, I was getting into college to further my studies in science, and my parents had both been assassinated. I still to this day cannot find the person responsible for their death. It all happened so fast I could barely understand why I was even granted the powers of a demon in the first place. Apparently I had the blood of some legendary demon slayer back around the time Europe was flourishing. My great ancestor traveled and had slain many demons during his time, and in doing so protected the supernatural from ever being exploited or even known. Now that power was passed down to me, and I didn’t even know if I wanted it..., but it was mine at the expense of my parent’s lives by some unknown man.

With the death of my father, and the upcoming induction into higher education, I was forced to take upon running his company before it was liquidated and sold off. With that as the situation, my classes were on hold, and I would no longer continue my education. With my powers, I saved many innocent lives, and stopped many threats. I met succubi, vampires, beings you wouldn’t even know existed. The expense of being a hero is no one really knows when you’re truly smiling. Allies come and go and you just move on as time intends for you to do. So I did, and I finally had time to get in college and earn my majors in biochemistry, and physics.

Over time I started to understand my powers. I could shift into a more demonic form, my abilities to the five senses were heightened, and I was able to possess abnormal strength. Turning my father’s company into one for research and development, I was able to further my abilities across the globe. Coming up with technology to aid myself in defeating the dark beings that crept out in the dark. The technology and science behind me allowed me to gain the advantage on many of my adversaries that I have come in contact with. One still remained and I hunt for him daily. The man who killed my parents will be brought to justice.

(Depraved Bio)

While the above paints me in some cringe teenage boy novel, this one is for you perverts. I part incubus after all so you know that comes with the sex drive and cocky attitude being a big deal. Not an attitude that makes me unbearable just the smart ass "shut up and fuck me" kinda guy. I mean who does not want to meet top grade woman and enjoy themselves right? Just a horny stud who knows what he wants and goes to get it of course. I would like to say "your loss" for not pursuing it yourself ,buuuuut I can say I know I'd be a better lay. Cocky incubus remember? Anyways. Short and sweet which is not how I normally go about it...more of the long and rough with lots of moans and groans type. I promise I pay for broken furniture and ruined clothing...scouts honor. Now. Why dont we get to know eachother like adults hm?

-chomp- 😈

My goal is to reply to messages tomorrow when I am done with family in the morning.

Checked in and the weeks a bit of hell for me. I will reply to messages when motivation hits ,but I got to get some more to reply to and start some stories. That or really engage with conversations here.

Replies tomorrow maybe. Been gaming a bunch and have not had a moment. For now sleeping time.

*Yawns as the man stretched himself out after working all day. The half unbuttoned top gracing a sneak peek to those toned abdominals as he grabbed his empty coffee cup. "One more day of this nonsense...." He remarked to sit down and take the pen from his lips spinning it in his hand lightly.

Not that anyone is hounding me or pushing my door down...yet...well hope to have that soon in some capacity.. Anyways I am rambling. I leave my PC on and logged in so I am probably active a lot here when I am not at the PC. So if I do not reply or anything just know I am away and logged in as some probably do. Anyways.....I will lay my charm on you folks as we converse. Just.... ask for a key if you intend to break my door down ok?

Well I am trying to get into a groove here ,but if anyone wants a picture comment let me know. I dont mind flexing a creative muscle or two. Still adding some folks and getting storylines together.

changed a profile picture