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Naltu was the chieftain of one of the most powerful Lizard folk tribes in the world. The tribe is known far and wide for their savagery and brutality in battle. He was basically on top of the world as no one whether it be human kingdoms or fellow tribes dared challenge his might, but the life of a Lizard folk is a cruel one and no one from the lowly slave to Naltu himself is promised another day without fighting for it. A strange Lizard folk appeared from nowhere and challenged Naltu to combat for control of the tribe. Not one to turn down a challenge, he accepted and... was promptly defeated by this unknown Lizardfolk. He was no match for the stranger, he fought like nothing he had ever seen before.

As is tradition the new leader was supposed to kill him, but he didn’t instead the new chieftain wanted to humiliate Naltu and instead banished him from the tribe taking but the scales on his hide from him. For almost a year after, he remained in a deep state of depression at his loss. He had wished the new chieftain would have killed him he didn’t want to live with his failure, but it was seen as cowardice to take one's own life, so he was forced to live with this burden until something could finally kill him. Eventually, things would change as he was contacted by a member of his old tribe who ran away. Apparently, the new leader has been attacking random tribes and capturing them to sacrifice in some strange blood ritual.

Rumors also spread that the new leader wasn’t a real lizard folk at all, but a powerful demon in disguise who was using the tribe to capture and sacrifice people in order to bring back some long-dead ancient god. If this news were true his people would be sent down a dark path as he was determined to stop it but still, Lizard or demon the one who beat him was powerful and now had the power of his old tribe backing him, He would not be able to stop them on his own.

With a newfound purpose and a way to regain his lost honor, Naltu now travels the land in search of allies to help him stop his old tribe before this old god is brought back. He hopes to eventually start a new tribe that can rival his old one but building an army from scratch takes money in resources, so in order to help him the Lizard folk would take up the job of a mercenary to raise the money needed to get started. During his travels, he would meet the first member of his new tribe. A large black panther who was severely injured in a fight against a pack of dire wolves. It barely escaped with its life and feeling pity for the creature, he would nurse it back to health. Naltu saw potential in the beast and after spending some time winning its loyalty the two would soon travel together, inseparable, one was never far from the other. In time, Naltu would come to call the black panther his brother.

//Just wanted to give an update since I kinda disappeared for a bit. I'm not 100% mentally right now, my depression is in full effect, and it's made doing even basic things like getting out of bed or eating difficult. So that's why I've been MIA. I'm going to see my therapist this Tuesday, so I probably won't be back until after that, so sorry for suddenly going silent. I just wanted to make this post and let you all know I'm not ignoring you.

//I've been so low energy these pass couple of weeks x.x

//Sorry for lack of replies the last week or so. A new expansion came out for GW2 and I've been busy playing it (and fucking up my sleep schedule) but things are winding down now so I should be able to get to every in the next few days.

//Zeldawave II by Marble Pawns. Look it up on YouTube and give it a listen.

Replies will be later tonight.

Current Mood:

//20th can't get here soon enough :D

//Good News! I have decided on a look for that new char I mentioned before

Bad news! I am to lazy to edit a pic for them atm

//Ever make an OC but have no clue what they look like? Like for me, I already have their backstory and other info figured out, I just have no clue exactly how I want them to look.

//Sorry this acc isn't dead I just finally decided to buy the DLC for Scarlet/Violet and have been playing it trying to complete all 3 Pokédex lol