Gentiana Estes

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[I work full-time, so reality comes first. I'll do my best to respond in a timely fashion. Message? Conversation? Both are fine to me. Don't confuse or mix reality and role-play. All images used belong to their respective owners. While I STRONGLY prefer discussing things first, random starters or in-character random encounters are fine (if I like it). Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. I'm content with SFW or NSFW. No, my character won't have a rod. Kinks? Limits? Ask away. I'll simply copy and paste from my blog, and send it your way.]

Birth name: Gentiana (Jen-Tee-Aa-Nuh)

Surname: Estes (Es-Tis) ((given to her when living with her human parents))

Nicknames: Tiana, Genny

Sex: Female

Age: 890

Height: 5'4"

Cup size: 38 C

Species: Moon Elf

Languages: Common, Elven

Alignment: Chaotic good

Birth home: Ipomoea (she will eventually find out later)

Likes: Moon/ star gazing, Moon bathing, Swimming, Animals, Autumn bellflowers, White easter lilies, Trying new foods, Training, Fish on a stick with light seasoning

Dislikes: Mushrooms, Oysters, Loud noises, Commissions with no action

Skills: Low-light/ Dark vision, Archery, Short sword proficiency, Ambidextrous, Keen senses (especially in nature, hearing, and sight), Stealth, Lunar magic, Perception, Magic resistance, Illness/ Disease immunity

Class: Ranger (archer)

Items/ Weapons: Long bow, Short sword, and Travel bag (coin bag, a few apples, Elven bread, spare clothes and pajamas, bed roll, towels, journal and pen, water skin/ pouch)


- Gentiana doesn't sleep, she meditates for four (4) hours (equivalent to eight (8) hours of sleep), so she's great for night watch duty. 

- Gentina is ambidextrous but writes with her right hand. She favors her left hand when holding her bow and her right hand when using her short sword. 

- Gentiana was snatched up from her biological parents when she was an infant by her now deceased human parents. Before her human mother passed, she gave Gentiana a handwritten note, confessing that she and her husband committed the terrible act of kidnapping her as an infant. As a result, she's on a long quest to find her real family.

- After reading her human mother's confession letter, Gentiana became iffy about trusting humans but is still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. 

- Gentiana makes money by completing commissions for the Guild and is very frugal with her spending. Every once in a while, she'll treat herself (wine, hot springs, nicer hotel/ inn, etc).

- Gentiana hardly uses contraction words or slang words (except when interacting with humans), but does understand what they mean.

*Affectionately nibbles at her ear.*

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