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Species: Fae/Fairy

Height: 6 inches or 15.24 centimeters

Weight: 0.1 lbs or 1.6 ounces

Appearance: Varies due to her ability to change her appearance

Powers: Flight, shapeshifting, mental manipulation, super strength (deceptively strong for their size), healing, Flora and Fauna manipulation, can make things fly with Pixie dust. (Honestly Fae creatures can kind of do whatever they want there’s not many limitations on their abilities or the amount of them they have)

story is open for maximum potential, she can have any personality, backstory or desires!


Fairies are a kind of Fae creature not typically known for their humanity, they often act as a chaotic neutral entity, causing mischief often for no discernible reason, they are capable of great good and great evil, but not a single one stays one or the other.

Fairies are born from the first laugh of a human infant, and die when a human stops believing in fairies, some think that each fairy is linked to the child they were born from.

Fairies can only feel one emotion at a time, and that emotion is very strong within them, they don’t simply feel anger, happiness, sadness, or jealousy. With fairies those emotions are amplified. Anger is rage, sadness is depression, happiness is intense euphoria and so on, the emotions fairy is feeling completely consumed their every thought and action, this is what makes Fairies so chaotic, they become enraged and this all their actions until they calm down will be based on that intense rage.

When Fairies have their own children, they will often go to the human realm and swap their changeling child with a human one, their child will look completely identical to the original, the reason they do this is supposedly because the human world is much safer to be raised in than a Fae Realm, what they do with the original is up to interpretation.

Because their lives are dependent on children believing they exist, fairies can take those children to their Fae Realms where they stay children forever, and thus the Fairy stays alive forever on the child’s continued belief in them. (This one is partially based on Peter Pan)

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Pats her little head. "Good little fairy."

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