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Amari Kareem Mustang.

{ Age } Twenty-Seven

{ Birthday } November 16th | Scorpio

{ Height } 6'2"

{ Race/Ethnicity } African American

A twenty-seven year old fitness model who came from humble beginnings as a youth in Memphis, TN. Her love began with sports, her parents started the energetic girl out with basketball and volleyball in middle school as a way to keep her head on straight and away from the trouble most kids her age began to find themselves falling into. She was the youngest child of seven children growing up in a very strict household, each given the tools and support from their parents to walk the straight and narrow, naturally there were stragglers, intense arguments and a difference in ideals from the large brood but she remained true, feeling that she owed it to her parents to at least try and do things their way.

When high school rolled around she made sure to add track and field to her roster. Though like most young adults she found herself in a somewhat commuted relationship by this point with an...interesting young lady, many often questioned why such a cool and lax person would find themselves tied to someone locked into resting bitch face with an even nastier attitude, and the truth is she didn't know. It just happened one day, given anything she could've wanted and someone who was unbothered by her busy schedule, and at least pretended to like her parents to their face it just worked. College was no different of a tale, she excelled in athletics naturally but her interest in media began to flourish as well.

Upon graduation she went on to play professional basketball for six years before an injury forced her to take some time off, which she despised but used to her advantage finally able to spend time with family and friends more often, maybe get back in the dating scene who knows.

Cleared out some mutes, thankfully not too many. Not at all interested in stacking numbers so don't just add and go ghost immediately, hi at the very least will suffice.

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