Kino Moiran-Knight

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Once upon a time...

There was a promising young lady growing up in a big city with a pair of loving parents. Two moms in fact! She grew up loved, cherished and well cared for to boot. She had a school to go to, a warm plate of food awaiting her at home, and a biiiiig book case for her to peruse through at her will. According to her parents, she could pick out any book she liked. And if it wasn't to be found at home? She would be taken to the library as soon as possible to get what she sought. She won awards at her little school and often times won prizes for her astoundingly studious nature.

Then one day, things changed as they tend to.

The sky opened up with fire, explosions ringing all around her as she sprung up in bed. She ran to the safety and comfort of her mothers' room, only to find it all gone! The room itself had disappeared due to the sky fire, consuming the household. She could do naught but cry, cry and cry again for help and for comfort as she tried to remember what it was that she was supposed to do in the case of such a thing. She thought and thought and thought, eventually recalling the emergency shaft in her basement. She could go get help from the friendly men in the blue outfits! They would surely help her find her parents! She ran to the escape route, the little girl dismayed to find that it was blocked by rock. She dug, dug and dug. Dug until her fingers were bleeding. Then she heard someone behind her, opening the door to the hidden place. It was a lady in a wonderful blue garment, holding out a pristine white glove to her. She was saved!

However, as it turned out there was nothing that could be done for her parents. The rescuer in blue informed the girl that she had tried her best to 'save' them. The girl fell into a depression that seeped into her very soul from this, despite being taken in by the rescuing woman. It turned out she was very important, and had a single room for the little girl that was twice as big as her old home! It was stocked with books from floor to ceiling, some appearing to be from other worlds entirely, which the young prodigy invested herself in every day to keep the nasty thoughts and memories away. Little by little, her saviour would poke her head into the room to check upon the little girl as she grew, fixing her wounds and offering her extravagant foods. She would even read the girl stories before bedtime and at awakening each day.

The girl grew up quickly, training herself and educating her mind on the subjects of the universe, specializing in the magical art of Geomancy as a hobby. She obtained a degree from a university as well, her newly adopted mother in full attendance and throwing a grand ball for the young lady's matriculation. She sang opera in her native tongue upon her Mother's new home world, entertaining the masses and bringing entire continents together to come and hear her angelic voice. It was a grand life ahead of her, the girl accepting a few innocuous-seeming treatments to become like her adopted mother. However as part of this process, something within the genetic material awakened within the girl; a memory. A lot of memories...but one stood out.

Her mother stood at the helm of a vessel of impossible size, looking down over her home city. She gave but a single small gesture to a group of soldiers surrounding her, resulting in the world outside of the vessel's glass turning to white for a single moment. She could see the search party that she came along with, searching her street for survivors. Those that crawled and pleaded for help were shot or stabbed through with bayonets. Others were shoved into cages and taken away. They approached her street, making her dread in the current time. She could see through her mother's eyes as she made her way through the home, approaching a crawling figure in her kitchen who had been attempting to crawl to the stairwell. The poor thing was burned nearly to death. Her mother did not draw a pistol...nor a knife. She saw her mother's twin tails pick up the former parent of hers, using her hands to snap the neck of a victim who was on death's door. She raged. The next vision saw the monster going down to the basement, hearing the sounds of digging coming forth from a nearby emergency exit.

The not-so-little girl snapped.

She couldn't believe that her mother had been a different person. She didn't want to. All she could think of was hurting her in some way...but she could not bring herself to violence. She had, for one reason or another, been spared the fate of so many others. She alone. It was then that she made her way to the grand vaults beneath the palace, stealing away an item of incredible power to make a choice that was destined to bring the penultimate anguish to the monster she called a parent; She took her own voice. No magics could retrieve it now. No surgery could repair it. She would never be heard again. Perhaps now, she and her 'parent' could have a real dialogue.

To be continued.

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