Jessica Vorhess

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Name: Jessica Vorhess

Age: appears around 20s-30s

Species: undead/zombie

Height: around 6' - 6'5"

Hair color: brown/brunette

Hair length: short

Eye color: blue (appears soulless and emotionless)

Body type: toned and muscular

Powers/abilities: regeneration, super human strength, speed, power, endurance, stamina, weild two handed weapons with one, appears to shift through the darkness/shadows

Predator/prey: predator

Dominate/submissive dynamic: highly dominate rarely submissive

Partner preference: females, or feminine/submissive males

Personality: fairly curious and enjoys the thrill of a chase/hunt, fairly quite/mute with select choice of words

Normal stomping grounds: Camp Crystal Lake

Her death: drowned in the lake during her youth

Goal/objective: revenge to the campers and camp counselors along with intruders in general

Methods of returning from her grave: numerous such as a lighting storm, curse/ritual

Clothing/attire: brown leather jacket and matching gloves, blue top, brown belt with blue jeans, heavy duty boots, and hockey mask

Weapon of choice: machette

Jessica Vorhess is a female alternative of her male counterpart of Jason. Story remains more or less the same to where she drowned in the lake tossed in by her fellow campers during her youth due to the camp counselor's neglect and horniness. Decades later Jessica managed to return from her watery grave seeking revenge on whoever intrudes on her stomping grounds of the camp within Crystal Lake. Stories and rumors along with sightings of someone wearing a hockey mask weilding a machette with a female appearance hacking and slashing those who dares invade. If encountered its highly recommended one should never approach or engage due to her being extremely dangerous and deadly with zero remorse or empathy. A major difference compared to Jason is that Jessica is extremely cunning, tactical, strategic, with dangerous beauty to boot with impressive strength and power along with speed for a towering figure. While normally weilding a machette is capable of holding normal two handing weapons with one but her body as a whole is a weapon of itself. Behind those blue eyes normally under the mask appears a soulless and emotionless husk. The use of weapons are a method to install fear and intimidation to gain what Jessica desires often granting others what's considered to be a fate worse than death. Also the use of weapons will ONLY be used on NPCs or background based character (s) and never gone into detail just a action happens fade to black sort of moment. As a result Jessica is limitless with only VORE or related, CBT/ballbusting, diapers and armpits and related all count as limits. Things like death, murder, and Gore blood and other major extremes as mentioned are reserved for NPCs/background characters.

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Whos everyone's favorite shestuds, she bulls, brutes, ect?

For those interested there is a younger form of Jessica available. Note there is no visuals available. She will be around her teens early to late.

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