~Pure Degeneracy~

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Name: Revo Morgan

Nicknames: Whore for Charity, Eldritch Embodiment of Deviancy

Age: Appears to be in her late 20s

Sexuality: Who's got time to choose ❤ 

Alignment: True Neutral

Birthplace: Presents as Southern United States given her accent, true origins unknown

Gender: Female (Futa on request, don't be afraid to ask)

Race: Human (Possibly otherworldly in nature)

Marital Status: Forever single by choice (Will only settle down with someone who can absolutely match her degeneracy)

Abilities: Can unpeel a banana with her mouth, supernatural abilities manifest only when she is truly aroused, and believes that she'll be able to explore her true nature with her night's partner.

Personality: Horny af, blunt yet kind, fun-loving, joke-cracker. She oftentimes hurts people's feeling on accident. Grows incredibly bored of those who refuse to explore their degeneracy. She loves to dance naked. Loves food, especially when lewd fluids are sprayed on top. She is shameless and fully accepts just how gross and off-putting her desires are.

Hair color/style: Black with a purplish tint and styled long

Eyes: Honey Gold, glows when she is truly aroused

Body type: Thick; Revo has a bit of a belly and thick thighs. Her curves are vicious however. Her skin is a beautiful brown and smooth to the touch.

Bio: Revo appears seemingly out of nowhere in towns, cities, universities, and anyplace else her desires may take her. The townsfolk never see her arrive, and never witness her leave. All they know is when she wanders into their community, she leaves wide smiles, wrecked homes, and corrupted saints in her wake. Her past changes depending on who she is speaking to, hinting that she doesn't like to think about it, doesn't care about it, or doesn't have one at all. Certain sects of the Occult have described a demonic force that is drawn to large concentrations of celibacy, such as churches, with a desire to corrupt it with its sexual deviancy. Revo may or may not embody this force. She doesn't have so much a desire to corrupt as she does to bring out the degeneracy she believes all people have. She is a shameless whore who pays no mind to those who are normal and prefers the company of those who wish to shed their shame and inhibition. Revo tailors herself to the desires of her partner when she does sense one who could fulfill her, planting herself in their lives as if she had always been there or as if they encountered one another by accident.

KINKS: I am open to most kinks! I will list my favorites here: Anal! Toilet play of ALL kinds!! Impregnation! Rape and Abuse! Bloody violence! Gangbang! Fisting! Futas!!! Free use! HOWEVER!! I am open to try any you have, so long as you ask first!

HARD NOs: Underage Characters (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!) Raceplay (Cause why?) Zoophilia (Cause fucking ew! This doesn't discard furry characters though.)

DISCLAIMER: Vanilla scenarios are a big turn off for me. No, we won't have a wholesome romance plot without any of my kinks involved. Unless under the right context, missionary probably will rarely happen. I love giving head, but unless you're straight up pounding or pissing down my throat, ya better mix it up quick or I'll drop the rp out of boredom~

She's abandoned us.

Get a load of this gal.

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