Rachel "Raven" Roth

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Rachel "Raven" Roth is the daughter of Arelle Roth and demonic spawn of Trigon with the original purpose and creation to help destroy the world and recreate it in Trigon's image. Known for being a fellow member of the Teen Titans and acts as the big sister type of the group keeping the team together and fixing the problems and issues created. Not wanting to fulfill her fathers evil wishes went down her own path and help save the world instead. Raven and her powers weigh on her emotions which is why she often comes across as someone who doesnt care or as emotionless but is entirely the opposite of the fact leaving Raven as misunderstood. She possess powerful magic often casted by chanting her mantra of "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos" which can be heard during her meditation as she floats and closes her eyes. That being a major weakness having her verbally speak to cast her spells has learned to do so with a simple snap of her fingers. Like anyone else she has her own fears and worries such as hurting those shes close to and being misjudged and labeled. More common abilities she possesses are ability to fly, teleport/portal, empathy, telekinesis, levetation, summon clones/emotions, heal wounds/injuries, necromancy, and countless others. Forced to control her emotions she remains rather level headed and rational. Few closet weakness are redheads and furry creatures in particular in the form of appearing feminine. Some in particular redheads are Starfire, Gwen, Wendy, Frankie, Vicki, and a few others. Her emotions are usually trapped in her mind behind the gem in her forehead and take on either respective emotion and form of Raven herself shown by a different color cloak and leotard. Known for being trapped in her bedroom when not saving the world or forced to help with team building is often seen meditation and reading and studying spells and magic. Along with wearing her trusty dark blue cloak and leotard often hooded.

Should probably try and get some sleep lol joys of insomnia at times

The short little brake seemed to help from the mental shutdown episode

Had a fairly serious mental shutdown so think its time for a bit of a brake to figure things out

Not interested in the "alpha dom" male types HARD pass

changed a profile picture