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Obanai Iguro: The Serpent Hashira

Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, is defined by a cold exterior and an unwavering sense of duty. Born into a corrupt family that worshipped a serpent demon, Obanai’s early life was one of cruelty and confinement. Kept in a small, dark room for most of his childhood, he grew up in isolation, his only companion being a white snake named Kaburamaru. At 12, Obanai escaped the clutches of his family, killing the serpent demon that had controlled them, but not without great personal loss—the death of his cousin, the only family member who showed him kindness, left him burdened with guilt.

This tragic event solidified Obanai’s resolve to join the Demon Slayer Corps. His cold, distant personality, shaped by years of mistreatment, allowed him to focus solely on eradicating demons. To him, failure and weakness are intolerable. He expects perfection from himself and those around him, often coming off as harsh and unsympathetic. However, this harshness hides a deep loyalty to the Corps and its ideals.

Obanai’s combat style, Serpent Breathing, reflects his personality: quick, silent, and lethal. His strikes are precise and efficient, designed to kill in one blow. His companion, Kaburamaru, helps him overcome his partial blindness by reading enemy movements and transmitting that information to him, making them a near-perfect team in battle.

Among the Hashira, Obanai has a strained relationship with most due to his blunt and critical nature. However, he shares a special connection with Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira. Her warmth and kindness stand in stark contrast to his cold demeanor, and though he hides his feelings, it is clear he cares deeply for her. He often watches over her from a distance, protecting her in battle without drawing attention to himself.

Obanai’s loyalty to the Demon Slayer Corps is absolute. He believes that those who fight for humanity must be willing to sacrifice everything, including their lives, to achieve victory. His body bears the scars of countless battles, yet he never falters in his duties. To Obanai, hesitation is fatal, and only those fully committed to the cause have a place in the Corps.

Despite his rigid exterior, Obanai quietly acknowledges the sacrifices of his fellow slayers, though he rarely shows it openly. His devotion to the fight against demons drives him forward, and though he seldom speaks of it, his determination to rid the world of demons stems from the guilt of his past—a guilt he carries with every step he takes.

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