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I'm getting too old for this nonsense. I have better things to do than gallivant around on another adventure.
But ms. Exca, you say that every time something is asked of you. With your power, you can easily quash the monster stampede.

The man clad in stained armor remained with a single knee on the ground before the elf. He was aware of her past as the oncoming storm. There were so many rumors surrounding her that only served to raise more questions as new ones and past exploits were discovered. He knew Exca's strength was on a level not even the past five demon kings were able to stand up to. The guardian elf, a title she was given by the village she guarded from an at the time new phenomenon called the monster stampede. Details from the first monster stampede are scarce, but it is believed she wiped out the stampede on her own leading people at the time to believe not only was it a unique occurrence, but also a one day event. The next stampede which occurred two months later wiped out seven villages and two towns before it was eventually stopped. At the time, no one knew how to fight them effectively nor their cause. Now when a stampede draws near All able bodied adventurers and residents are to fight. The children, sick, and elderly would either be hidden underground or evacuated. Though Exca was capable of fighting she often refused to, but would defend the children, sick, and elderly by keeping them in her home until it was dealt with by the people fighting or she dealt with it.  

Ms. Exca, is it really true that you fought the ruler of the underworld?

The response to it was not something he expected, Exca just turned to him and gave him an innocent smile, something about it was off.  

Oh, I didn't fight the ruler, I only gave that naughty troublemaker a spanking~

In truth, she did much more including force the ruler to remove her name from death's catalogue. In her mind, she merely gave the ruler a light punishment, but what she did left such a mental and emotional scar that the lifespan of all elves was extended well pass their original maximum of 80 for no other reason than to keep from having to deal with another Exca. In addition, a special position was created for the sole purpose of dealing with deceased elves.

Queen's bribe

A hero not of this world was summoned during her youth and the queen of the elves at the time forced her to embark on the quest by restricting the allowance of her favorite food to be delivered to her home, but promised her she'd get ten times the amount for an entire year if she helped the hero and they gave zero complaints about her. This would prove to be a mistake for the next hero to be summoned. The first hero she travelled with gave her something she never had before, chocolate and essentially trained her to be more proactive in missions with chocolate rewards. During the quest, the group nearly lost three members and one passed for one hour. Exca liked her and knew the hero did as well so she decided to drag her back. She cast a temporary death spell on herself and hunted her down. The events that followed were what traumatized the ruler of the underworld and extended the life expectancy of all elves born after that day. The group killed the demon lord and with the last of his strength, he tried to kill Exca, plunging his sword into her back through her heart. That slipup cost her the huge amount of her former favorite food, mango pie(mango royale). The hero, however sent her chocolates until the day he passed. When the second hero came to their world, the queen at the time reprimanded Exca for slamming the second hero into the wall for not giving her chocolate.

// Not really important, but she's short lol

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Something I've noticed is the average lifespan of elves immensely increased during my travels with that one hero... I wonder what was the cause of that. Maybe we elves curried the favor of some gods?

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