Ghost Stories

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  • 17 friends

Ghost Stories to be had here! The main idea is to play as ghosts that are hyper sexual. This can be a silly ghost, a scary ghost or any kind of ghost really. So we can have it be comedic, lighthearted or horror based.

I'm open to many things and can play as many different types of ghosts. And pretty much all I would need to know is what kind of ghost(s) you would like and the general feel/mood of the rp. Oh and what kinds of kinks you would like to include! That's a big one ^_^

I'm open to many kinks myself but the hard no go's is: Toilet play, feet play, gore during sex, and pregnancy focused rps.

I'm not always going to be online and have a lot of things I'm trying to do, so replies might be a bit slow. I aim to write at least a paragraph per reply and I'm not strict on that but I don't do one lines.

So as a recap, I do prefer to discuss things but primarily what I want to know is the kinks you would like to include in these ghost stories, what kind and how many ghosts you would like and what themes/setting you would like.

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