Gaige DiMartino

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"If I don't shoot, repair, or screw something in the next few minutes, we're gonna have a problem." -- Gaige, on boredom.

"Okay, look. Character backstory shit's below, blatantly stolen from some ECHOnet wiki. Here's what ya gotta know about me. Everybody's favourite little mechromancer's all growed up! And she's back! And she's horny. I wanna find anybody with pair of nice tits and rail'em within an inch of their lives! Especially anybody I used to know, like Maya, Lilith, Moxxi (then again, who doesn't wanna screw her?,) Athena, Tiny Tina (tho I hear she's all growed up too, so maybe she's not so tiny nomore,) Ellie (I think I caught the chubby chaser bug while on Pandora. Nothin' I love more than a big fat jiggily belly!,) Amara, Tyreen, anybody! Especially you, Ty, from what I understand you kinda had a hard time getting laid and, frankly, it's probably a mercy. Drop me an ECHOnet message, babes! PAYCE!" -- Gaige, on writing bios.

Gaige was a high school student from the planet Eden-5, and lovingly supported in her endeavours by her parents, particularly her father. She would often ECHOcast live about what was going on in her life and had a dozen subscribers to her channel, although this dropped over time to two. Gaige found the history behind the Vaults, Eridium, and Pandora to be particularly fascinating, and considered her era to be "the most awesomely awesome time period in history" to be living in.

She originally conceived Deathtrap, then called the Mechanized Anti-Bully Deterrent Test, or Project DT, as a science fair project to combat bullying. Her rival, Marcie Holloway, was a contestant in the science fair as well, and used her father's money to buy her way through the competition. After Gaige was inspired to amputate her left arm with a particle saw and replaced it with a robotic one she built, Marcie apparently stole Gaige's DT designs and sold them to Eden-5's corrupt police force.

On the day of the science fair in the school auditorium, Marcie's father bribed the judges, helping her win first place with a defective robot based on Deathtrap's first or second revision blueprints. Gaige, with at least a fourth revision Deathtrap, placed third. Marcie then shoved Gaige, causing Deathtrap to identify her as a hostile. Deathtrap attacked with its digistruct claws, which unexpectedly caused her body to explode the moment her skin was touched (likely all over Gaige as well), due to a miscalibration of the claws by Gaige, likely when she had added the discord circuits the night before. After the auditorium was cleaned up of Marcie's remains, the traumatized Gaige was escorted to the principal's office and faced expulsion and arrest for accidentally murdering her rival. She called her father to create a distraction to help her evade arrest, which apparently consisted of the novel use of a golf cart and lots of gasoline. Gaige and her father realized she would have to leave Eden-5 so the police and her misappropriated invention couldn't find her and after an emotional farewell, she bought a transplanetary shuttle ticket to Pandora to become a Vault Hunter. ECHOcasting during the journey, she was shocked to find that her two subscriber count had jumped to 20,000 because the science fair incident had been reported on the ECHOnet and people apparently found her channel; she explained what had happened and the subsequent fallout. After landing on Pandora, she stowed away on a train leading to Windshear Waste.

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