Eros Blackheart

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Balance has served over corner in the universe since the dawn of time and man have been effected because of this. One being the druid you know here Azraella Eros. She started the world off as a drow who loved to run and play in the forest, she was a sweet young girl and often found things to explore as well as people to connect with. She was always kind to everyone even with the hardships of her family being the only dark elves in the area, many judged her to be cruel or dangerous but she never hurt a creature. She planted gardens and helped on farms while her mother worked to clean houses and her father worked in the mines. The world seemed so much simpler when she was young, however that changed the day she turned into a young adult, she found someone who made her heart flutter. He was a human male that seemed to always be just in the shadows watching her, he was kind ' or so she thought'. Telling her of their plans when he married her and their plans to bring the elves and humans together for a united front, her dreams falling into place, her parents finally in a great society and had many friends, the humans liked her and the world seemed to be so perfect, well for a innocent and foolish young adult. As the summer days turned to fall the wedding was planned and the people excited for for a union on the realm. Eros waited at the alter for her groom to be, nervous and excited the whole human and elven community gathered. Standing there in her radiant beauty only or her to see the angry mob follow the path up to where she stood,the man she was to marry held a gun to her and soon chaos had rung out. The elves using magic to fight back the large group of people, the humans scattering and trying to find what side they should join, the confusion and chaos left the world and balance broken. Chaos had indeed seeped into the minds of the easily corrupted. Eros grabbed the gun pointing it to the ground as she engaged in the battle with her 'groom' a few of the towns people spirited the as many of the elves they could from the mob but there was still deaths on both sides. As if the earth was crying for the young maiden it began to rain, the 'bride ' was fighting the person who she though had loved her through her childhood, using her earth magic skills even though at a smaller level she still did damage. Outraged by a filthy elf winning against him he used a dirty trick and pulling out a dagger, he got close enough to plunge it into her heart. As she felt the sharp blade in her heart she looked at him, the earth spun and she was now in darkness. While the battle soon dispersed she was laying in the ground covered now in dirt and grass, As the night fell upon the ritual wedding spot Eros's parents found her, carrying her into the heart of the forest she was brought to the life tree and buried, her brethren praying to the deities and the being of life, hoping they had not lost such a gentle soul. As the days passed and turn to months, many had given up hope but yet some still offered blessings and gifts so she may return. Little did they know the earth had claimed Eros as their vessel and imbued her with the gift of the druid deity. She was becoming the one that even the elves themselves would respect when the balance was restored. As the time when on, Eros one stormy evening crawled from the fresh earth, she was freshly born and now a druid who kept balance as well as restored the earth as it should be. Though the matter of her needing to collect the souls from all the fallen. As she walked over the dug graves she pulled the souls growing grass over the graves and saying a silent prayer, soon finding the home of the man who had wronged her and caused a mob to take her friends. She walked inside through the wall and the only thing she did was smile, her eyes turning black a she reached her arms out collecting the soul from a living creature.. snuffing out a life was something a balanced being was supposed to do, so for her penance she was forever doomed to never find a companion, for when she did they would be placed under the curse. So she now walks the earth, keeping the balance, helping who she can and then focusing on growing and keeping the earth healthy. From time to time she does like ti dabble and see what the odds play for others but she is always doomed to be alone.

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