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First Name: Dimitri

Last Name: (Redacted)

Age: 32

Height: 6'5

Personality: Observant, Calculating, Protective.

Interests: Alcohol, Intellectual Conversation, Gaming, Cats

Dislikes: Sand, Getting Shot, Bullies, Sports


Dimitri, Codename: Casanova, has been in his fair share of difficult situations. Being a former soldier in a specialized unit: (Redacted), He was discharged with a purple heart due to complications during Operation: (Redacted).

He is now working as a bodyguard/mercenary for hire. Dimitri can usually be found employed by A-list celebs, high profile government officials and shady individuals with enough money to afford his services.. He isn't picky with his work as long as he sees a nice paycheck by the end.

Possible Scenarios:

1.) Dimitri is hired by either you or a family member.

2.) Dimitri is on the job and you have a run in with him.

3.) Dimitri is your next door neighbor

4.) Dimitri is your instructor whether that be a teaching role or your commanding officer.

5.) Dimitri is a family member that comes around once in a while.

Kinks: Cock and Ball worship, Being Deepthroated, Hair pulling, Spanking, Scratching, Choking, Risk of pregnancy, Clothed sex, Creampie, Aftercare, Ass worship, Risky sex, Incest.

Limits: Scat, Gore, Death

(Note from Writer: Dimitri can be played in any timeline, any verse. Sword and shield or modern. I am a flexible writer so if you have an idea of what we can do together I am more than happy to listen)

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