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Keiko is a spirit of jealousy and vengeance who has the ability to steal the physical attributes of her victims. She by default is short, flat, no ass, no chest, no hips. But say a particularly busty and curvy woman gets on her nerves or she grows jealous of her she’ll use her powers, taking the size whatever attributes she takes an interest in, leaving those places on her victim just as flat as she was, and giving what she took to herself. Capable of stealing height to grow taller, breasts to increase her cup size, ass to give her butt some more mass, she can even steal muscle and make herself buff.

Optional Addition: According to some of her images, Keiko can change into two different permanent forms.

“semi-perfect”: As people talk about her pay her more attention or bare witness to her and her abilities she gains power eventually reaching a new level where she’s more tall busty and curvy than her original form and has greater powers such as mind control, body possession, and vitality drain and can now drain power and assets from an entire small city at once, but has a cold emotionless personality.

“Perfect form”: After achieving her second form as she gains more and more power she can eventually overpower her mother Fubuki, possessing her body. Combining their powers and gaining a body much bigger than even her mother was, a total milf body and a dommy mommy personality, effectively becoming a goddess who can drain the entire planet for power and could potentially grow powerful enough to effect the universe as a whole, she can also temporarily revert to hero previous forms for a short time.

Both of these forms are optional due to their extreme changes in her character and how much of a God-mode she becomes in her final form

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