Holy Excalidick!!!

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"For the good of the Kingdom, I purify you!"

Arthur Pendragon, King and Hero of England! A powerful and stoic man that wields the legendary Excalibur to slay all that dare harm his kingdom! A story told through countless tales throughout the years, but what if that wasn't the true story? What if Arthur was a femboy knight, and Excalibur was just his holy and blessed cock? Then you'd get Arthor Pendragon, wielder of the legendary Excalidick!!

Not stoic, not even that tall, Arthor was short and feminine. Cuter then most of the women in his court, he didn't look like a brave adventure. But he was! Thanks to his legendary cock, he had saved his kingdom from a wicked witch! Completing a prophecy and becoming the rightful king of England Land.

This doesn't mean he still doesn't crave adventure! Or crave preforming "purification" anymore. He finds time to do both when he can. Hopefully you can cross paths with this legendary hero so he may "purify" You! Many call it life changing, and it has helped stopped England Land's shrinking population! He really is the hero of the people~


  1. Don't let the big dick fool ya! Arthor isn't a dom only kind of king, but that doesn't mean any dick can be stuck in him! Gotta jump through a few hoops for that~
  2. Excalidick can change size depending on your preference! Some might like a femboy rocking a 25 inch holy cock, others like it at 10 inches. We're here to have fun, so if you have a preferred size let me know!!
  3. Kinks coming soon!
  4. Have fun!!
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