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quirk: Transmutation/magnetism


Occupation:hero (formally)

Height:6 foot 5


Hobbies:training to control his quirk, reading, exercising

Likes:saving others,martial arts, loyalty.

personality:Nagato is always straight to the point he is known to have a short temper that sometimes can be controlled and other times it can't, he is like this to protect his feelings and himself due to his childhood trauma he was dealt by life.

Bio:new to that academy Nagato was never the study type but in spite of all that he barely passed he never knew his parents as they disowned him once his quirk was discovered you see his parents were anti quirk and all that mess and they disapproved of him causing him to go into foster care only to be adopted by a women that claimed him as her own. She was never married and unable to have kids so she chose to adopt they became very close even though she wasn't home often due to her work that kept her busy leaving Nagato usually at home alone. But she always cared for him when she was in town once he began to come of age he asked his mother if he could enroll in the U.A. curriculum passing his test and officially becoming a member of U.A.(more to come revising)

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