Eileen Crowe

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Name; Eileen Crowe

Gender; Female (Can be futa by either request or permission)

Age; 32

Weight; "I'll fuckin' kill you...!"

Height; 6'5"

Booking ID Number; 66F496

Occupation; Gang Leader

Eileen's preferred style of dress is different styles of technowear, and a tube top/tank top/sports bra with sweatpants or jeans and her hoodie tied around her waist.

Eileen did not have a happy, supportive family life growing up. Her mother hit her constantly, her dad molested her just as frequently. Because of the abuse, Eileen dropped out of school by the time she was supposed to be a freshman in high school.

Naturally, this made her parents especially angry. That night, after they had exhausted themselves punishing their daughter, Eileen had set the house on fire with them unable to escape, and ran off.

A week later, she met and started dating a girl.

Long story short, the two started a gang together. But rather than committing crimes and violence, selling drugs and the like, they saved girls from similar situations that they had been in. From then on, whenever they saved a girl or woman, Eileen gave them a choice;

"Join me and be my wife, girlfriend or side piece or don't. I will not force you to stay. Even if you leave, I'll support you until you get back on your feet."

Most of the girls stayed. Eventually, the gang was basically a lesbian harem, with Eileen at the center.

When it came to the men they were saving the girls and women FROM? Most of them ended up either dead or in prison.

// May include a few of Eileen's wives as characters at some point

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