The Angel of Chastity

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Gabriel is overflowing with misplaced confidence and positivity, possessing a high level of doublethink for the age her height and look would suggest. Gabriel zealously tries to get rid of all things that are considered "immoral," going so far as to yell at random couples in the street that she says should not be holding hands like they're married until they actually are such. She spots someone going home on his own after seeing her demeanor, and decides that he would be her Messiah candidate. After following him back, she moves in with him, in order keep him from doing anything she deems immoral or to standards not befitting the True Messiah. She then goes with him for a day at a nearby amusement park, reveals her angelic nature, and asks that the two of them be a couple to show everyone how to have a wholesome and platonic relationship. Later on, when she, Raphael, Michael and Sariel are all riding on a train between prefectures to Shinjuku, she jumps about and shouts causing a fuss in scolding passengers who seem to be ogling and touching the four of them. Even when a present Messiah candidate stands up and gives his seat to an old woman at the Shinjuku stop, she is not entirely convinced of his motives, and makes a fuss at what Sariel has to say about what he's done, upset at her for doing so.


Btw I adore dark plots so come bully the stupid little angel or be kind it's up to you!

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