Bonkers D. Clown

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image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1847&dpx=1&t=1715355355Real Name: Bonnie Smiley

Clown Name: Bonkers D. Clown

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Species/Archetype: Clown-Girl/Toon Human

Sexuality: Futa-sexual

Height: 6'0(6'3 in clown shoes)

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Bubblegum pink or Cherry Red(depends on her mood)

Skin Tone: Bleached White or Creamy white

Eye Color: Pink

Bust Size: 40 JJ's

Ass Size: 50 Inch GYAT

Personality: Silly, goofy, devious and always up to somethin funny; Bonkers lives for one thing and that's clowning around. Throwing parties, pulling pranking, telling bad jokes and just making people laugh so hard they bust a nut is all she's about. She finds basically everything funny and almost never takes anything seriously but she can be wholesome and sweet and considerate when the time calls for it. She's a wanted criminal in clown town and several other places for her constant pranking and managing to evade capture as she has zero respect for the law and authority in general.

Occupation: Circus performer, porn clown, clown gang leader



Love seeing people getting so into character. Gives me hope that quality is gonna stick around lol

Current Mood:

Back in a bit, gotta go walk my sisters dog again.

If you can get the last laugh, you win in life. Simple as that really

Bummer. Ah well, there will always be more

The only thing worse than bad friends are fake friends

Fuck it, imma get baked and eat some chicken nuggets and watch funny shit on youtube till it's time for MHA leaks.

Friendship means nothing if its convenient. Remember that.

Deleting those who bore me. Not sorry

Off work finally. Headed home. Gonna be busy with mha leaks on Twitter tonight so thats where i will be.

Lowkey kind of annoyed and a little sad at the moment so if i dont reply that's why.

Damn and here i thought we were friends 🥲🥺 ouch. Just....ouch