The First Cold Hell - Sample


Long ago, when this school was a sanctuary... it was 'paradise'. 

Words Yami, representative of the eleventh generation of his clan's subdivision, had already heard a long time ago. The school grounds he was walking over in the middle of the night were one of the few places that could make his step waver from his usual shamelss confidence, given his rather high standing in both the mortal and heavenly realm

 Long ago, ... it was 'paradise'. 

Those words rang in his ears like the omnious churchbell announcing grave news. Without any car of the school rule had his hand shamelessly brushed over some of the flowers in the gardens, admiring its beauty, before deciding to take a deep breathe and catch some of the pungent odour of that flower. Rather than being enraptured, his nose scrunched in disgust. He remembered more of his conversation with the Kan'non Collective


Beneath a complex underground system of tunnels in the capital, through what seemed a post modern statue of a Bodhissatva merged with wires and glowing plates, a voice kept echoing to a kneeling man, who carefully read all datas sent to him through a monitor

"Many seek to breach from the realm of humanity, molded my routine and forged by the power of mind, to the realm of demi-god, where might and willpower can carve a way for greatness", thus the collective had spoken before further explaining the issue "However, Lord Dougen has allowed his arrogance to let him think to be among the realm of Gods"

Events and kids locked in brutal combat kept flashing along with newspaper clips and other datas about a 'Katana Hunter', giving a rough anticipation of what kind of threats he had to deal with for the upcoming task. Noticing its subordinate diligence, The cybernetic Buddah-like entity kept speaking "He thought that due to his influence even in Yatagarasu, he could step over all of us... and many innocents have paid the price"

All of the data that he had read were incredible to read, but Yami did not let any of them betray his face except when he read the name of where it happened.

"Todou... Academy?"

"Long ago, when this school was a sanctuary... it was 'paradise' ", the Collective spoke, reminding the young man of when he first heard that sentence, almost making his visage betray an expression of grimace.

"That is... unfortunate to hear. May I ask, why Lord Mangetsu is not handling such matter personally? I would assume that is truly a personal trouble to him and him alone, given the losses are this personal", he questioned "Would I not be automatically over-ruled?"

The screen glowed warm colors as if to accept the question, calmly rationalizing this choice: "Your line of thought is clear, Yami, yet you are far from realizing the enlightenment before you: attachment in such mission may compromise it further than the way Lord Dougen has twisted the noble purpose of the Academy. Young Mangetsu is far too invested for him to think clearly: he would give hell to Dougen. But you, Yami, you have witnessed Hell. Over and over. We ask of you... do you think these people deserve such?"

Now pictures of young men were shown, lingering on a white haired young man with an eyepatch, but also showing many more people as well as a beautiful girl with wavy hair and glasses

"This shall be your primary mission, Yami: bring back the heaven stolen by Dougen"


Todou Academy, the heaven in ruin, had been envisioned back as the breeding ground of warriors and new legends, supported by multiple of the most powerful clans in Japan, mainly led by Takayanagi as they gifted Japan with 'the art of war', a present still being refined to this day. And what war had brought to this flourishing land of the rising sun? Paradise?

With the pale light of the moonlight, a light blow could be seen for the young man had drawn a kartika knife, a small chopper blade that was used in ancient tibetan rituals, and had began playing with the flower until it had found something. Yami stabbed the stamen. Just at that point, an obnoxious flashlight had suddenly been pointed in his direction.


Before the man could see who was the responsible of ruining the flower, fog had mysteriously risen all over the place. Nothing natural at all: it was sature of ki as well, impossible to allow to properly track anyone, like a smokescreen of pure cursed energy.... 

" 'Paradise'.... What a load of bullshit", the intruder spoke to himself as he had admired the filth gushing out of the power, akin to the foulest dirt soaked the with one smell man was instinctively engineered to fear and now all academy had felt once again: death.


One day, and already rumors had started frolicking around, for young teens are, because of their inevitable enthusiasm, by far the noisiest bunch of the lot.

Already, one of the strongest students of the school, Natsume Shin, had apparently passed away along with his girlfriend, seemingly ending a throughout violent streak that had sown dread and discord upon every one of the ever fearful masses, but now there was the rumor that apparently that night the school had been visited by a Shinigami, a death God. Was it simply there to reap the ripe harvest of destruction, or was it merely to further fertilize such a long body count? Of course, there were people that wished to prove if their martial arts was enough to kill a God of Death....


They were so young and full of ripening talent...

They could fight death, right?

Everything had been going so fast, but it was as if the very memory of the recent deaths had been going on, far more gruesome than the normal rather bloody fights that strained the hall with crimson, for there was no ambition behind such, but merely tragedy.

It was a tale of a man that sought light, yet kept plunging himself with darkness, blessed with the power of heaven, but cursed to hell by his own hands. Already just being on the schoolbus had been unnerving, feeling as if they had been sitting next to spirits and ghosts, but the school's battle ready atmosphere had been feeling unusually now oppressing. When even the most ambitious youth ready to take on the world wth their fist felt like hanging their head down in mounring, something was wrong.

For what he could care, the Bus Driver, a young man, likely not much older than most students, and clad with what had to be an incredibly old fashioned miltiaristic outfit of over 60 ears ago, considered such predictment a rightful punishment: alas, Heaven couldn't be brought back with such. This was but the first step of a long ritual, one that now required a more lax part. As people rushed to go to school, he was allowed no supervision and walk. Todou Academy was an anomalous place, that thus required a far more throughout inspection not only fo the day, but of the night as well. And as the particle of the grime and flith of the underworld danced upon the delightfully ignorant students and teachers alike, he wandered through, at times myst rising to allow him to move undetected, save for an unpleasant chill that some people could feel, akin to the sensation of an inesorable snowstorm coming to bury eveything underneath...

Let us stop Hell

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Comments (2)
    • Well, I enjoyed this piece of story. You are talented writer Yami.~

      • 💓 1
      • I am glad, sadly it belonged to a starter that never went anywhere, but at least I can use it to entertain others.

        Planning to post others in the future, some darker, some lighter.

        SOmeone should know what kind of stories this bus driver goes through :P

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