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Contingency Plan Code Name: Stay Tuned

Subject: Alastor

Alastor, otherwise known as the Radio Demon, is a Sinner who lives and works in the Hazbin Hotel, which is located on the outskirts of Pentagram City, aka the Pride Ring. For further context, a Sinner is a human that died and their soul is sent to Hell for their sins, becoming a type of demon in the process. Sinners are immortal and have unique abilities based on what they are and what they have done in their old lives. Their forms differ depending on the sins they have committed just like their abilities. While immortal, Sinners can still feel pain and be wounded, as well as experience death. Their wounds and injuries would regenerate, but its said to be a painful experience. If a Sinner dies by conventional means, they will remainfest with all their memories including their death experience intact. The only way to kill a Sinner for good, without any chance to remanifest, is a weapon made from Angelic metal. Theoretically, holy and blessed weapons can also kill them.

Before going to the contingency, one has to know the history as well as abilities of Alastor as he is no ordinary Sinner. He is an Overlord, one of a small group that not only controls a part of Pentagram City, but also owns souls. Every Overlord is a Sinner who gained such power, each of them representing a type of industry according to some intel. As for the case of Alastor, its possible that he brought radio entertainment to the city, but that is debateable. However, upon reading old newspaper articles from the 1930s, there has been a string of unknown murders in New Orleans as well as an obituary of a radio host who died via a gunshot to the head, being mistakened for a deer. That radio host's name...is Alastor. According to another Sinner named Mimsy and a former Exorcist named Vaggie, Alastor would one day manifest in Hell with a smile on his face. At the time, he was not deem a threat and seems unassuming. However, when he did strike, he went after powerful Overlords and he would broadcast their screams of suffering and agony on the radio. That was the day he rose to become an Overlord. Other bits of his history includes a rivalry with another Overlord known as Vox and...according to some intel I was given...that Alastor himself is under a soul contract with an unknown entity. That is troubling as Alastor is quite powerful, and yet there are others who are even more powerful, not counting Lucifer, the King of Hell and Embodiment of Pride. For now, the focus is on Alastor.

Alastor appears as a humanoid with deer features, such as antlers and parts of his hair resembles deer ears. He is dressed in a suit that compliments the era he has come from. He is also a cannibal, indulging himself in feeding live or dead victims. But unlike the other Cannibal Sinners, he holds himself to a higher standard and appears to have a strange moral code. His powers include shadow energy manipulation, shadow teleporting, portal creation to a lesser degree, summoning and controlling shadow minions. His shadow energy manipulation ranges from summoning shadow tendrils from anywhere and creating barriers made from shadow energy. When his powers flare up, voodoo symbols seem to appear around him. Whenever he speaks, it sounds like it coming out a radio filter, though there are times where he does speak normally. He is also very cunning and intelligent, able to read the situation around him and plan accordingly. He even has a charismatic charm that has earned him some admirers, very likely due to his radio hosting experience. Like every Sinner, he has a normal form and can shift into a more demonic form. His demonic form also seems to resemble a creature of myth called the Wendigo, who is known for being a cannibal as well.

For this contingency, I will need to outfit my suit with armor made from holy metals and dip my batarangs with holy water. To demons of any kind, holy water is like a poison that burns. Due to his supernatural nature, salt can also be used to temporarily trap him in one spot. For more permament containment, a devil trap must be used and as well as a means to sent him back to Hell. I may have to get assistance from magic users such as Dr Fate, Zatanna, Raven, and possibly Constantine. This contingency may sound simple, but Alastor is anything but. If needed, I can employ psychological warfare, using the knowledge of his soul contract against him. It will make him more angry and dangerous, but it will also make him more predictable and vunerable to counterattacks.

In conclusion, as along as Alastor remains in Pentagram City, he is a threat to no one but the denizens of the Pride Ring. However, should someone be foolish enough to summon him via a ritual, or if he finds a means to escape from Hell, there comes a risk of him wanting to cause havok should something or someone set him off. That is where I must act, and with some careful planning and tactical understanding of surroundings, it is more than possible to defeat the Radio Demon.

Comments (4)
    • "Not going to happen, so keep your hands to yourself you little bat.."

      • "Trust me when I say this. You would prefer to get contained by me than to be double dead by the hand of Six."

        • "Contained by you? for what reasonable purpose? i'm on my best behavior sir"

          • "For now. I know who you are. I know what you are. I know what you are capable of. The Courier isn't the only one watching over different corners of the multiverse. The difference is I don't want to destroy you, only to make sure you are not a threat."

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