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Cake or Pie?

Comments (5)
    • Cheesecake.. is technically a cake, right? But it's so pie-like in form.. I'll just default to my second favourite- tiramisu! ... Is that also technically a cake..?

      • In regards to cheesecake:

        The structure of cheesecake is composed of a somewhat pastry shell with a custard-like filling and sometimes contains fruit. Despite the confusing terminology, cheesecake is by no means a cake. Also, since cheesecake isn't topped with pastry, it cannot be a pie. Cheesecake is, and forever will be, a tart.
        • 😆 1
        • Hard to choose to be fair.

          • After watching the video that Raven posted, I can see why, but..... Imma always reach for pie first if given the option between the two.

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