·   ·  17 polls


Comments (12)
    • Crazy? I was crazy once.

      They put me in a room.

      A rubber room.

      A rubber room with rats.

      They put me in a rubber room with rubber rats.

      Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats.

      They make me crazy.

      Crazy? I was crazy once.

      They put me in a room….

      • 1
      • My sister used to say this a lot. What is that from?

        • It's a copypasta meme actually.

          • Honestly, had fucked a dragon - would recommend, rats are still better though.

            • "This is most likely about the stuff and looks Azure uses, and they've been using a mouse for a long time so gotta go mouse."

              • I might be a little biased being one of the only mice on here.

                • Can't imagine your character anything different than a mouse. I logout for a couple of hours and mouse was barely squeaking by, now it's deadlocked tied.

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