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For those that like Pokémon, which Generation is your favorite?

Comments (22)
    • Gen 2, forever and always.

      • 2
      • Not bad, one of my favorites. I think it is 3rd fave for me :)

        • 2
      • Gen 2 because it was when Umbreon was introduced.

        • 1
        • Gen 4 is more for the region itself, the pokemon then 1-3

          • Fair enough.

            • Seems like it is gettin really close!

            • Who are my 2 fellow Gen 3 fans.

              • 😲 1
              • I am curious to know too xD

                • I have to know. I CALL TO YOU OTHER GEN 3 VOTERS. STAND WITH ME

                  • 😆 1
                  • Well it seems the votings has changed quite a lot xD

                  • It was really hard for me to pick between Gen 5 (I found everything about N extremely moving and reminiscent of things I've been through) and gen 9 (most batshit ending to a mainline pokemon game to date) but gen 9 wins out for me bc recency bias.

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