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Let's really tear people apart. Pokémon or Digimon?

Comments (18)
    • From the perspective of a fan of both:


      The Pokémon main titles formula is starting to run it's course, but not in the sense that no one will buy it anymore because the story is predictable. Though, they could afford to spice things up a little more. I don't have to speak about graphics because this topic has been beaten to death by countless already.

      The Digimon main titles well...there is and isn't a mainline title per say. This is where Digimon has Pokémon in a corner I'd say. They're not afraid to experiment, hell even try out new things to see what people think. Survive I have yet to finish, but it was an interesting but dark take on a Digimon title. People bombed it because they didn't know what a bloody visual novel was 💀 but there was definitely some difficulty in some areas that I have played in the turn based tile style strategy. But if I ever have to suggest a title it would be Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory.


      Pokémon up until recently...and by recently I mean up until a year or two ago now have had Ash as the face of the anime. Sure we had the occasional YouTube short series where it wasn't Ash and now we have a new MC. But the guys in the studio knew they could only adapt and delay Ash's departure for so long before they corner themselves on titles. Journeys was legit them stalling with the travelling companion Goh to represent Pokémon GO while they sorted out Galar. We know Pokémon had a few hiccups here and there anime wise, but Digimon ain't special on not having some too.

      Digimon on the anime side of things, much like the games wasn't afraid to experiment. Many dropped Digimon at Frontiers and good god would I not blame them if they dropped it at Xross Wars/Fusion because holy shit was that title horrible. Either way Digimon is never shy to experiment with their MCs or possible themes surrounding characters. Not too much to say there since they didn't have a status quo to meet with regions and such like Pokémon. Hell Pokémon would get a lot out of just adapting the games as they are. But this is a Digimon section so I won't till it with Pokémon.

      Trading Cards

      *Filing my nails* What? I don't play them so I ain't got squat to say outside of Digimon where they use the card games to debut future forms and such sometimes.


      I've read a few Digimon manga but I'd just be repeating myself when it comes to the Anime. They experiment and have good self centered stories which can leak to the games or anime because Digimon titles are a shared multiverse that majority of the time don't need you to see where the ref came from but id a cool thing for those who know.

      Pokémon manga....*PTSD of Rayquaza not only impaling someone, but using Hyper Beam on them point blank after* But don't worry, they got better! ✨ The Pokémon manga is a special case as holy damn do they not hold back. Please Game freak have this shit animated PLEASE!

      • Medabots!

        • As long as we pretend season 2 of the anime didn't happen.

        • Don't talk to me if you don't vote for Digimon. I will De-digitize you myself. *Wants to play Digimon now.* >.>

          • Honestly I play Digimon more often than Pokemon. I am both on the spectrum~ but I feel like Digimon and Pokemon aren’t the same thing. One thing I can compare with Digimon is Tamagotchi while Pokemon I can compare Tem-Tem or Pal world xD

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