Matriarch Amaranth Primordial

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The Primordial Dragoness

~The Legends spoke of a dragoness and her clan that arose from the depths of the underworld. Whose origin has always remained in mystery and wielding powers unknown to the world above. The Legends tell of that ancient dragoness who thrummed with a power far beyond the reaches of mortal kind, who carried a divinity about her. A dragoness who lived a life of betrayal; betrayed by her lovers. Her Wives. Her Husbands, those who served her and even her own children. Forced into a deep sleep that was meant for all eternity, never to awaken and terrorize the world and all of creation ever again. She swore revenge and thus slumbered for an eternity within that very palace of hers. However, fate decreed that this wasn't the end of the Primordial Matriarch. The moment the spell was undone, the world was meant to be razed asunder under her fury. An overwhelming desire for vengeance against those all that betrayed her and their very descendants. Her name was Amaranth Primordial; Reincarnation of the Primordial Dragon God that was meant to bring all of creation to the age of chaos. Who rose against a god that could destroyed entire galaxies in the blink of an eye. A dragoness who would raze all before her in her fury. Amaranth Primordial whose life was anything but a fairytale, and this is her legend and tale of her eternal suffering~


~Last words of the Primordial Dragon God~

~Treacherous filth! You dare to defy and betray me!? Your superior god!? The cosmos and all beyond belong to me, it is my destiny! You and your pitiful alliance may have stopped me, you may have destroyed me this day! This I swear though, you have not stopped the Primordial Dragon God! Nor have you seen the last of me! I will return one day, and it is one of my descendants that shall enable it! ~

The tale of the Primordial Dragoness takes place before the very beginning. Before the creation of the universe. For in the endless eons within the chaos, a war unlike anything that has ever been seen was being waged by ancient beings of unapparelled power. Even the gods that exist in today's world carry a fragment of the power that they wielded. This wasn't a war of boredom though, in this brutal war of ancient creators were two sides. One was all of the creators, and one the other side was a white dragon of fantastical size. A dragon deity that had consumed countless of the other brethren. Acquiring a power that the others could only dream of.

There was only one reason that these beings were fighting against each other. For this dragon, was known as the Primordial Dragon God and what he sought, what he desired was to rule over all of creation, beyond the cosmos that was to be born at the end of this ancient war. He desired to be the one true god among all cosmos's that were to be created. The others knew that he had to be stopped at all costs and they'd very much throw away their very own lives, just to accomplish this.

Countless lives were lost in this war of the ages as the Primordial Dragon God only grew in strength the more, he devoured those that came after him. A beam of divine light came at him, at a single moment where he was at a disadvantage that had managed to wound the Primordial Dragon god. "Now! All attack at that spot!" An order had been given and the ancient beings made their move. A mortal wound was given, and they launched assault after assault, worsening that very wound and turning it fatal. Once he was wounded to a degree, they joined together for one final attack, a beam of divine energy came flying down to him which pierced a being that was beginning to believe impossible to slay.

Nothing could stop the disintegration of his body at that point, even if he concentrated and used all of his power to heal. The damage was far too much. Yet, the last words that he uttered to them. They never believed it would come true, but they all couldn't help but be afraid that he indeed would return one day. In a matter of minutes, the war was finally over and the last of his essence faded away into the emptiness of chaos.

What they never realized that sometime after this battle and his essence was scattered to the far winds, when the ancient ones used their powers of creation to create the universe upon the big bang. Ultimately destroying themselves, his essence was leaked into the very universe itself. Eventually, his essence managed to travel to the realm of Dralossle, Isle of the Dragons. Where it slowly began to corrupt and later the Dragons that lived there. That is how he ensured his revival, and how he created the Primordial Dragons.


NAME: Amaranth Primordial


GENDER: Female -- Her Dragonic nature allows her to grow a cock or cocks from her pussy whenever her or her partner wants it, usually first coated in her vaginal juices

ALIASES: The Primordial Dragoness, Matriarch


PLACE OF BIRTH: Dralossle, Isle of the Dragons

CURRENT RESIDENCE: Ruined Palace of the Primordial Dragons(Not Dralossle}

ETHNICITY: White/White Divine Dragon

HAIR COLOR: Snow White(Influenced by her divinity)

EYE COLOR: Crimson/Blood Red


WEIGHT: *Slaps* Undecided, dragon bones are denser, heavier than most races, so she's actually pretty heavy.

PARENTS: Caredess Primordial, ?????

SIBLINGS:  Evelth Primordial She has other siblings, but no set number decided on, or if their even still alive

CHILDREN: Valentyna BlackSoul Primordial

CURRENT RELATIONSHIP(S): Valentyna BlackSoul Primordial,

PAST RELATIONSHIP(S) : Skye Lilliane BlackSoul(Deceased)

OCCUPATION: Matriarch of the Primordial Dragons and Family


LIKES: Her loves, women, her children

DISLIKES: Traitors, horn dogs, the divine influence from being the reincarnated Primordial Dragon God

ADDICTIONS: The loves of her life

STRENGTHS: Primordial Dragonic Strength. Unwavering Will, The love she has for her loves

WEAKNESSES: Her Anger, Dislike for her Divine side

SCARS: Her regenerative powers prevent her body from scaring

Roleplay Details:

Para to Multi-Para responses is highly preferred. Or at the very least, a couple of lines. If you give me a line of text. I may not respond to you and if you show you're a one liner on your page. You probably won't be accepted. Or if I know you're not worth my time.

I prefer writing with female genders, this includes females, herms, shemales and such. You have to be able to catch my attention if you're a male. Even if you offer a female, or a futa version. I'm weird like that.

Roleplay stays roleplay. Real life stays Real life. I don't care to know about you out of character. Nor do I care to tell you much of the real me. For I'd have to really trust you and let's be honest. . . I don't trust anyone anymore. Everyone lies and deceives me in the end.

Yes. Amaranth can get pregnant and very much would enjoy that and can also get girls pregnant herself. So, if you want her in heat. Can do that, just be warned. If I do that correctly. She will be insatiable and more akin to a monster than a woman. I suggest you lay back and take it if you want to live. >.> She doesn't need to be in heat to get pregnant either. Heh.

Amaranth is primarily a dominant. She usually only submits to those she likes, but few rarely read this or remotely understand.

Yes. I once said I wasn't coming back but I did in the end. >.> I get overwhelmed. Busy. Unmotivated. Depressed easily and often. So don't be surprised whether if you have my discord or not that I may not respond to you in a while. It's usually nothing personal unless I lose interest.

Here lies Amaranth. Dead and murdered from work. Can I retire and not be a boss anymore?

Tries to sneak away

Yes. I live! Work been really kicking my butt lately when you become the big bad boss and the boss that retired kinda left you a mountain to clean up. >.>

Pets you like a kitty. Totally without a collar in other hand.

Went for an alchohol run. I will be a bad dragon tonight.