Feed Item
Added a discussion

Well after trialing having the premium members featured on the characters directory in between the featured members and newest members for 7 days, now would be the time for user feedback on this.

Status: https://roleplays.io/item/trialing-having-premium-characters

Please vote on the poll and leave your input in the comment section.

  • 1
    • The current version is much better than the initial release, trimming it down but showing enough without oversaturating the page itself.

      • 1
      • The thing is, the value of number of characters displayed is shared between the two. All that's different is that the Premium users widget is calling for a specific membership ID to display. So both the newest members section and premium users section was cut in half.

      • It is better than it was, I still think a separate tab would be best though but that's just me >_<

        • 2
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