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    • "You're a lot warmer than the average person...I wonder if being a Faunus has something to do with it..."

      • That subtle grinding...it was tiling Weiss up! It wouldn't be long before the Faunus might feel something rubbing against her as a consequence of both their actions!

        Whatever Weiss had planned...she had to be quick about it! Similar to the hand she summoned earlier with the lazer pointer, Weiss would have the hand sneak the catnip up her skirt...it was then the lack of panties would be known later but..she would spread some of it along her erection~

        • Weiss was devious. Would Blake even remember this after she came back down? She might want to hope that she didn't. Blake looked up at Weiss, dialated she's. A loud purring as she ass shifted left and right. A bit weirder without a tail... Probably also instinctual.

          • Weiss would stare into those dilatated eyes, though she would sneak a quick kiss from those lips before her still free hand tugs her skirt back.

            Allowing the new source of that familiar scent to be picked up easier~ Trust be told, remembering it or not, Weiss was fine with either outcome!

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