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If you're reading this again, that means you owe me a kiss. Just one, at least, as a treat.

Now pay up.

      • 😆 1
      • It's even funnier the second time!

        • 😆 1
      • Hmmm

        • 😏 1
        • Contemplates on if she should kiss him or if this is just a trap

          • Me? Makin' a trap? Do I really look like the kinda guy that would go and do that?

          • *Leans down to nuzzle the side of his face laying down beside him*

            • 1
            • Dawww, now aren't you a cute one~? That was just adorable~!

              • *Nuzzles the side of his face once before shifting laying in a perfect circle around him. Though leaving plenty of room and space to move away should he chose to blowing a heart shape of white smoke in his direction.*

                • He'd smirk down at the little show, pulling a cigarette up to take a brief drag before blowing a small plume of crimson smoke out to swirl into the shape of a heart to clash right with hers. Seemed he didn't plan on going anywhere.~

                • " Do I?..." *Stares blankly

                  • Them's the rules. I didn't make 'em.

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