Feed Item

I'm sickkk. This sucks.

    • Oh nooo, recover soon <3

      • 1
      • Hopefully I will. Thank you. <3

        • 💓 1
        • I am sure you will.~

          • 1
        • @_@ I am also sick. Cons are fun but these damn filth bags need to stay away if they are sick and stop ruining everyone’s time.

          • 1
          • Oof. Never fun getting sick.

            • 1
            • Being sick sucks but I know a way to warm you up good! Snuggles by a fire please mind out of the gutter

              • 1
              • "No more cock until you feel better!"

                • 1
                • "Unfortunately, your health comes first."~

                  • 1
                  • "Fucking me would make me feel better though. Don't you want me to feel better?"

                    • 👀 1
                    • "Ya' dang horny, Mutt!"

                      • 1
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