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Name: Moxxie

Age: 27

Occupation: Professional assassin at IMP (Infernal Mercenaries for Hire)

Background: Moxxie is a demon assassin who works for IMP, a company that specializes in taking care of clients' unfinished business in Hell. He is married to Millie, another member of the IMP team, and together they make a formidable duo. Moxxie is known for his deadly accuracy and efficiency in completing missions, earning him a reputation as one of the best in the business.

Personality: Moxxie is a dedicated and loyal employee of IMP, always putting the needs of the team and the mission first. He is level-headed and strategic, able to assess situations quickly and come up with effective plans of action. Despite his tough exterior, he cares deeply for his friends and family, and will go to great lengths to protect them.

Skills: Moxxie is a skilled marksman, specializing in long-range sniper shots that never miss their mark. He is also proficient in hand-to-hand combat and is known for his quick reflexes and agility. Moxxie is a master of disguise and can blend into any environment effortlessly, making him a valuable asset on covert missions.

Goals: Moxxie's main goal is to continue honing his skills as an assassin and serving his clients at IMP to the best of his abilities. He is also determined to protect his loved ones and ensure their safety in the dangerous world of Hell. Ultimately, Moxxie strives to prove himself as a capable and respected member of the team, earning recognition for his contributions.

Overall, Moxxie is a fierce and determined demon assassin with a strong sense of duty and loyalty. He is a force to be reckoned with in Hell, and his skills and dedication make him an invaluable asset to the IMP team.

”…Good Night, Everyone!”

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