Feed Item

I finally have time to sit down and focus on what I want to do here.

Not sure if I want to bring all my characters or create a new. Not sure what to create but sort of tired of trying to be mega powerful to contend with all you Gods out there. I sort of want to go back to the basics of being a vampire...

Hmm... what to do. PIZZA ROLLS!!!

    • And I've been one for... 12-13 years now.

      • Which I do get very, very few of them. Depends.

        But yeah, I've been on here posting edits for pretty much the entire year.

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        • Well I know what I'm doing now <3

          • It's honestly more of, "just enjoy yourself, and do as you want". Of course, no need to bother/ push for something. Which is standard, anyways.

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