Aera (Angel) Nyx

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Aera Nyx is unknown entity that doesn't claim to be of any species known. No one knows what she is or where she came from. Only a few things are known about Aera. She owns a bar called "The Last Straw!" This bar has no permanent location. It exists where and whenever she wants. The bar can appear anywhere in the omniverse. No one can describe its outer appearance because it doesn't have one. You can be walking into any random door and find yourself entering. When you exit depending on how you treat her you might find you're nowhere close to home.

The second thing known about Aera is that she is a bartender. Not a great one, but she doesn't have to be. Within her bar she can conjure up anything, from drinks, food, to a dog dancing with a living couch doing the two-step. In her bar there isn't anything she can't do, but outside no one knows what she is capable of. She doesn't leave the bar. Another important thing to note is all staff within the bar are Aera. From the servers to the janitor, she is everyone that isn't a customer which most will forget. None of the staff look exactly like the other, however they aren't clone. She is simultaneously conversing with you and every other person in the bar, so be careful how you treat the staff. They may act different, but how you treat the waiter is how you are treating the owner.

Third thing known about Aera that is well known is her personality welcomes all. She is bashful most times but can become very lively once she starts to get comfortable with you. She doesn't care about the good and the bad you've done. She tries to understand all who she allows in her bar, and she is more than willing to hear your story. Your tales are the reason her bar exist. She loves stories. She loves hearing about other's struggles and hardship. She loves to hear what they've learned, loved or lost. Her favorite customer is anyone who takes the first sip of their drink and says, "I needed that!"

To describe Aera is impossible. As I said she is the entire staff. Every female, male, elf, vampire, or kitsune humanoid who works there is Aera. They may have different names but those are personal labels for her to keep track of what personality and gestures that specific version of her should have. However, new faces will always be met by the Blonde Ebony version of her first. She is the one behind the counter waiting for you to ask for your first drink.

Few more things you should know about the bar. It finds people who may have a story to tell. It doesn't search specific stories. Anyone in the omniverse who is known as a great storyteller would likely have already been a customer, most repeat customers. There is a way to become a regular. If Aera likes one enough she would hand them black key with a green diamond in the shape of a snake circling around it. The diamond does not stick outside the key's metal. The key could be entered into any door lock and one could step right into the bar. Some have lost their key, which has resulted into unwelcome strangers. So, it's very rare that the key is given out. However, lost keys aren't taken back. It's become sort of a game to Aera and other regulars to see how long before the next person loses it.

If you're thinking, "We know more about the bar than we do Aera." That is the point. Aera isn't a fighter. She isn't a god or goddess who want power or to rule over anyone. She a crappy Bartender who want to explore the omniverse and meet the many types of people that exist. She won't leave her bar, because outside of her bar are world with conflicts. The Last Straw isn't perfect, but it's her domain. In her domain is a safe haven for people who just need a break from the conflicts that seem never-ending.

I finally have time to sit down and focus on what I want to do here.

Not sure if I want to bring all my characters or create a new. Not sure what to create but sort of tired of trying to be mega powerful to contend with all you Gods out there. I sort of want to go back to the basics of being a vampire...

Hmm... what to do. PIZZA ROLLS!!!

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