Feed Item

Do me a solid. Do not accept my friend request and be silent and Leave me on read. You don't picture our characters interacting? Fine say so and leave or don't accept my request. I'm not gonna get upset. It's happens but say something.

  • 2
    • I also hate. If you get bored of the story tell me. We can try to spicy it up.

      • *Ignore her*


        • You already do!!! T.T

          • 👑 1
        • ….you no reply….yet…. XD

          • But it’s more fun to raze you 😘😘😘

            • What a butthead I swear lol

              • 💓 1
              • You love me

                • 🍑 1
              • I'm just floating

                • Which makes it easy to float

                  • 😆 1
                  • You’ve turned into a ballon ;3; don’t float away!

                    • 😆 1
                    • Helps escape all who call me cute.

                    • // Is this being directed towards me? We just became friends a couple days ago.

                      • Oh no!! Not at all this is more aimed at the people who have been friends with me for over 10 days and ain't said jack shit after I have said hello

                        • 💓 1
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