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//welp some one role-playing as an old man deleted me cause I wouldn't let ChiChi jump his bones lmfao XP

    • Excuse me?! That is incredibly rude! They didn't know that Chi-Chi belongs to Roshi???? lmao (I'm kidding)

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      • "LISTEN HERE YOU DIRTY OLD MAN!" As she spoke or more like yelled, ChiChi began strangling Roshi comically. Wringing him by his neck. "IF I CATCH YOU PEEPING ON ME EVER AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU! YA GOT THAT!!"

        • Roshi wasn't new to this either. Grinning widely as he chocked lightly while going with the motions. "I...on..ly....wan...t...to....pro....te...ct....y...ou...." Roshi said, his right hand moving between the two of them and firmly squeezed her breast, soon using his second hand to grab her other, and squeezed tightly as if using her breasts to keep him up and balanced.

          • "G-gah!" Feeling his hands upon her breasts ChiChi's body immediately froze and stiffened up. The ox princess more so surprised he even attempted to do such a thing knowing full well she really would kill him. "Why you..." she growled. Before Roshi could have time to react or even realize what was coming next, his face would soon be greeted with her fist. ChiChi punching him so hard she sent him flying back. "PERVERT!" she yelled before storming off to find Goku

          • Happens when you got a GIANT trunk lol

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