King Gilgamesh

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Father of Heroes

Name: Gilgamesh

Title: Father of Heroes

Aliases: The Invincible Lion, The Gold Annunaki of Order, The King of Kings, 2nd Lord of the Metallic Dragons, The Strongest Man.

Nickname(s): Gil, Gilly

Biological Age: Never Recorded

Age Appearance: Mid 50s

Species/Race: Transcendent Demi God/Annunaki.

Birthplace: Unknown, Possibly Uruk.

Allignment: Lawful Good


HEIGHT: 5 Meters [17 Ft] Tall.

WEIGHT: 5,000 Ibs

BODY TYPE: Muscular

TATTOOS/SCARS: Scar going diagonal down his face.

NOTABLE FEATURES: Ruby Eyes. Golden Scilera. Gold Tongue


Ancestor: Tiamat

Great Grandfather: Anu the Sky God

Great Grandmother: Urash Mother of the Gods

Grandfather: Ninurta

Grandmother: Nintinugga

Father: Lugalbanda

Mother: Ninsun

Brother(s): Tammuz [Half]

Sister(s): Geshtinanna [Half]

Uncle(s): N/A

Aunt(s): N/A

Cousin(s): N/A

Wife: Unknown

Son(s): Ur-Nungal, Anki

Daughter(s): N/A

Nephew(s): Lulal, Shara

Niece(s): N/A

Grandson(s): Udul-Kalama

Granddaughter(s): N/A


PERSONALITY: Gilgamesh was a tyrant in his Youth. During his time he mistreated his people of Uruk and did whatever he pleased. Gilgamesh was an arrogant person who only cares about himself. He abuses all his powers and takes advantage of people with his physical abilities. Basically in the beginning he thinks that no one on earth is better than him. After Enkidu’s Death, Gilgamesh was grieving intensly and can infer that he is humbling himself. Gilgamesh knew death was around the corner he did not enjoy worldly pleasures, thus making him more humble and wise. After his Journey for Immortality, Gilgamesh became a wise king putting forth the people of Uruk before himself. He began to be the Keystone of Humanity; However, a bit of his old ways still remain. He is disgusted with humanity and wishes only for them to become like the people of Uruk who he believes are the pinnacle of the human race. So when he meets humans who are walking backwards instead of forward to the Golden Age it brings upon them the blade of justice.

LIKES: Training, Women, Battles, Knowledge, Relics/Artifacts, Humanity in Uruk

DISLIKES: Weaklings, Cowards, the Unintelligent, Evil, Dark Side of Humanity


Born to Lugalbanda and Ninsun, Gilgamesh was praised by the Gods by being a worthy and perfect man. As such he was raised in such luxury he knew nothing else. When it came time for him to be King, Gilgamesh was eager to be King and continue the legacy of Uruk. Although acknowledged to be a wise man and a courageous warrior, Gilgamesh is criticized as a tyrant who mistreats the people of Uruk. The nobles of the city complain bitterly of Gilgamesh's behavior. Their complaints attract the attention of the gods, who decide to do something about it. The gods create a rival for Gilgamesh—a man named Enkidu who is as strong as the king and who lives in the forest with the wild animals. Their plan is for Enkidu to fight Gilgamesh and teach him a lesson, leading the king to end his harsh behavior toward his people. When Gilgamesh hears about Enkidu, he sends a woman from the temple to civilize the wild man by showing him how to live among people.

After learning the ways of city life, Enkidu goes to Uruk. There he meets the king at a marketplace and challenges him to a wrestling match. The king and the wild man struggle, and Gilgamesh is so impressed by Enkidu's strength, skill, and courage that he embraces his rival, and the two men become close friends. Because of this loving friendship, Gilgamesh softens his behavior toward the people of Uruk and becomes a just and honorable ruler. One day Gilgamesh and Enkidu decide to travel to a distant cedar forest to battle the fierce giant Humbaba (or Huwawa) who guards the forest. Knowing that he cannot live forever like the gods, Gilgamesh hopes that he will gain the next best thing—lasting fame—by slaying the monster. Together the two heroes kill Humbaba, and Enkidu cuts off the monster's head.

Impressed with Gilgamesh's courage and daring, the goddess Ishtar offers to marry him. He refuses, however, and insults the goddess by reminding her of her cruelty toward previous lovers. Enraged by his refusal and insults, Ishtar persuades her father, the god Anu, to send the sacred Bull of Heaven to kill Gilgamesh. Anu sends the bull, but Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill the bull first. Enkidu further insults Ishtar by throwing a piece of the dead bull in her face.

That night, Enkidu dreams that the gods have decided that he must die for his role in killing the Bull of Heaven. His death will also be the punishment for his dear friend Gilgamesh. Enkidu falls ill and has other dreams of his death and descent to theunderworld.He grows weaker and weaker and finally dies after 12 days of suffering. Gilgamesh is overwhelmed with grief. He also fears his own death and decides that he must find a way to gain immortality.

After Enkidu's funeral and burial, Gilgamesh sets out on a long and hazardous journey to seek a man named Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim had survived a great flood and was granted immortality by the gods. Gilgamesh travels through various strange lands and meets people who tell him to end his search and accept his fate as a mortal. Refusing to give up, Gilgamesh finally reaches the sea and persuades a boatman to take him across the waters to the home of Utnapishtim.

Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh the story of the Great Flood and of the boat that he constructed to save his family and various animals. He then offers the hero a challenge: if Gilgamesh can stay awake for seven days, he will be given the immortality he desperately desires. Gilgamesh accepts the challenge but soon falls asleep. When he awakes seven days later, he realizes that immortality is beyond his reach, and with sorrow, he accepts his fate. Utnapishtim tells him not to despair because the gods have granted him other great gifts, such as courage, skill in battle, and wisdom.

In appreciation of Gilgamesh's courageous efforts to find him, Utnapishtim tells the hero where to find a plant that can restore youth. Gilgamesh finds the plant and continues on his journey. Along the way, while he bathes in a pool, a snake steals the plant. This explains the snake's ability to slough off its old skin and start afresh with a new one. Disappointed and tired, but also wiser and more at peace with himself, Gilgamesh returns to Uruk to await his death. And his Death surely came; But, by one he did not dream was capable of such a thing.

Ishtar had gone on genocide on her own Pantheon; ordering his people out, Gilgamesh took his own weapon and went to battle with the mad Goddess. Their battle shook the earth and even the heavens above. Gilgamesh was not aware that the heavens above were hollow. Not a soul was heard. Ishtar had killed them all and it would seem He was next. To protect his people, Gilgamesh was killed in battle and Ishtar vanished. The First Pantheon had fallen and Gilgamesh was laid there in his rubble city. The people of Uruk would tell of this tale beginning the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of the Father of Heroes

Millenias have passed, and more Gods and Goddesses began to appear across the world inspired by Babylon. Gilgamesh was later discovered by descendants of Uruk. Modern day Iraqians who knew about his legend and his heroism. They helped him recover and while doing so he would learn about what has transpired over history. Man Kind had become corrupt, Gilgamesh could not ignore the people who called for him however he didn’t wish for his enemies to know of his resurrection. Gilgamesh would create a separate plane of existence his old city of Uruk.

Don’t ignore me. You are busy that’s one thing but to actively overlook me and talk to others. Than yeah you’re gone.

ill be on discord and ani while i wait for replies

I logged in which means..

*gnaws on his arm before scurrying away.*

i believe i have replied to everyone

I should probably start cleaning up the friends list on here.

changed a profile picture

the hypocrisy on here is laughable

Gilgamesh in the Demon Slayer Verse.

Gilgamesh in the Dragonball Universe.

Gilgamesh in the Fairy Tail Verse.

Gilgamesh in the Sailor Moon Verse