Feed Item

🌺Hiiiii everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for the adds thus far. I am new here but not new to the character. I used to have a Nezuko page on RPT before the site went bye bye! But anyways just wanted to say thanks again and though i enjoy erotic rp as much as anyone, i prefer story with such roleplays!🌺

PS: i ship my nezuko with an inosuke or a Tengen XP 🌺

  • 1
    • Is that exclusive or can she pair with anyone as long as the writing and the entertainment is good for you?

      • She can pair with anyone. My nezuko just has a crueh on inosuke and tengen XP

        • 1
      • I guess those two would have it on easy mode then.

        • Then honestly, I have some work to do XD.

          • Lol give it time my friend XP

            • Would like to discuss something in messages either way,.

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