Wolf O'Donnell

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(Disclaimer: This is for some Comical, and horny Events Only! Nothing serious. Parodies and Satires.)

(Side Note; Straight, but open to befriending anyone.)

(Disclaimer 2: Adult Materials, such as Language, and other things are welcome, as long as they are not breaking the Site's Rules.)

"Can't let you do that, Star Fox."

(Side Note: Always open to Krystal, or Miyu.)

(Side Note 2:  Might also use other Members of Star Wolf, Such as; Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, Panther, Caroso, Andrew Oikonny, and Pigma Dengar. Though, probably won't bring in Pigma, cause fuck that guy, am I right?)


Name: Wolf O'Donnell

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Species: Wolf

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160 lbs

Eye Color: Red

Fur: Grey/White

Hair: White

Homeworld: Corneria (Birthplace), Venom.

Occupation: Leader of Star Wolf, 1st Class Pirate.

Star Ship: Wolfen Class Star Fighter

Not much is known about Wolf O'Donnell's early life other than he used to be the leader of a gang of space pirates, presumably the same pirates that duelled with the Cornerian army at Sector Z in a battle that left much space wreckage. It is also known that Wolf has been wanted by the Cornerian army for years, because of crimes such as larceny and treason. Before the Lylat Wars, Team Star Fox and Star Wolf shared a long and bitter history with one another, despite mutual respect.

Years after the death of Andross, during the events of the Plight of Sauria, Wolf took control of the hideout close to Katina and Fichina, known as the Sargasso Space Zone, earning him the rank of lord. The hideout was inhabited mostly by criminals, bounty hunters, and former members or traitors of Andross's Empire. In addition, Wolf himself had earlier kicked Pigma out of his team for wearing out his welcome with his greedy and distrustful nature, as well as Andrew for constant boasting and poor pilotage and hired the ace pilot Panther to take both their places. In addition he ordered his soldiers to shoot Pigma on sight should he dare come close to his hideout.

I'm up...I don't wanna be, but I'm up...

"Tsk...don't know why we have to search a floating piece of junk...I doubt there's anything of value there..."

changed an album

"Don't talk to me, until I had my coffee..."

changed an album

//Almost tempted in being on the run from Carmelita...Wolf can show Cooper how it's really done! Haha.

"The fuck's a Pikmin?"

I'll admit, Annabelle, and Belladonna are both really adorable.

"I swear, that Vixen is late..."

"Shut up, Andrew!"

//Unrelatedly, after thinking about it, might change this from specifically "Wolf" to "Star Wolf" and maybe add the rest of his crew. Just a thought. Not sure if I will do it or not, really. Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, Panther, Caroso, Andrew Oikonny, and Pigma Dengar. Though, probably won't bring in Pigma, cause fuck that guy, am I right?

changed a profile picture
changed an album