Willow Barlow

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Name: Willow Barlowe

Personality: Bratty, spicy, rebellious

Background: Willow doesn't remember her past. She remembers nothing of her pack. She awoke in the woods surrounded by blood. When she tries to recall anything beyond waking in the forest that day its purely black silence. Now as a rouge she is forced to live on the run and fight to for everything. Her amnesia has led her to believe the only one she can trust and depend on is her self. Not to mention if she doesn't know her past how could others trust her? These conclusions lead her to the decision to isolate herself. She's hoping she can eventually re jog her memory to leran where her pack went and what happened.

Willow Barlowe is an anthro wolf female. Her fur is as white as fresh fallen snow with deep purple covering the tips of her ears and the tip of her tail. Her eyes are a sultry lavender and her nose a rosey pink to match her paw pads. She prefers to stay in her anthro form or at least keep her ears and tail, but can be human if convinced/forced to. She is a soft spoken plaint little wolf but can and sometimes will get spicy. She LOVES to be defiant and do things to get in trouble or be a menace.

Hello all! I'm sooo sorry for my sudden disappearance..! Real life snuck up on me and it's hard to get time for writing. I'm getting back to everyone so if I haven't messaged you please reach out!

Sorry all rl got a little messy! Getting on replies! ^_^

To all I owe responses to I will be getting to them tomorrow and/or the day after. Have had some IRL stuff come up that need my attention more.

If I owe you a reply I'll get to it as soon as I get off work.

Off to work for me I'll reply when I get off!

changed a profile picture