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Name: Fang

Age: unknown

Species werewolf, demon hybrid

Height: 6”8”

Weight: 450

Physique: excellent shape peak condition.

Bio: Fang is a wolf/ demon hybrid his mother was a beautiful princess of demon decent and his father a werewolf hybrid. His father was a well respected anthro ninja in his clan with the responsibility of protecting there people from utter destruction by using the way of the ninja silent but deadly he was assigned the hardest jobs amongst there people because the village chief demanded him to. It was only a matter of time before Fang joined the ranks of his ninja ancestors making him the heir to his families legacy. One day, his father left on assignment but never returned to the village leaving everyone to assume he had died in the tough assignment this hurt Famg more then any because of how close he was to his father his mother soon was murdered by an enemy power who wished to take control of the village and burn it to the ground to further increase there influence in the territory. They raided the village with hundreds of thousands of soldiers lead by no other then his father now a different man not the man that was who he remembered he had become corrupt with power and had plans to take his son with him and turn him into a splitting image of his father but his mother refused to allow him to take Fang this lead to his father slaughtering his mother right in front of his eyes the last words of his mother being to run and don’t look back and that’s just what he did. With all the hate that ran through his father he promised himself that his father would pay as well as the newfound group that he ran. (More to come).

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