Wilde Fox

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Nicholas uses the sly, cunning stereotype of his species as his personality in order to hide his true self due to his troubled childhood and upbringing, He is ingenious, but uses his ingenuity for his scams as well as to help him squeeze out of tight situations, yet just like all fox's Nick tends to get himself in over his head at times by talking a big game.

He is the first and possibly only member of his species to become an officer, but once again due to his fox-like cunning, he is often tasked with desk work or at times more undercover work at the request of Cheif Bogo but those are rare.

Despite the his standing in the ZPD, Nick isn't without his hobbies, either relaxing at his home in the rainforest district or perhaps if you are lucky you may even spot him at the oasis retreat as the former fox hustler is quite fond of spending time at Zootopias famed nudist retreat.

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Well, seems like all that work that was spent to understand how Autism works and how to help people who live with it, yes I said LIVE with it as its not a thing that we suffer from, struggle yes, never suffer. It seems that things have took a giant step backward in that progression as I may be at risk at loosing my fortnightly support payments....god adulting is such fun

/Alright, eyes are refusing to stay open, time for bed

//Okay time for this fox to get some shut eye, thanks for the fun, replies sent when I wake up, take care all

Sometimes I appreciate having friends both online and offline who take their time out of their own lives to spend 4 hours trying to talk me out of a bad place.

I dunno if this is the kind of site where ya pour out stuff like this but I feel like it needs to be said. With the craziness thats going on with FA being hijacked by some pathetic troll thats using an account on X-formerly twitter- to spew out more hate towards the furry community actually affected me more than I like to admit as I'm Mildly autistic, my social skills online are vastly different from how I interact with actual people, I stutter and speak as if I'm constantly hyped on sugar and caffeine.

So seeing all this crap about how all Furrys are pedos and zoophiles actually had me question myself to the point where I was locking myself in my room to be alone with some....very dark thoughts, I'm just very thankful my sister called up some friends to drag me out, lot of tears, lot of shouting and a lot of everything was let loose in just a few short 4 hours followed by some healing food and gaming then more cheering up from online friends

All I have to say to all this, no fandoms perfect, no community is innoccent, there will always be a bad egg in the bunch, the trick is to not let it spoil your decision based on some idiot trying to push his ideals.

changed a profile cover

Just an OOC moment, I understand the whole controversy of AI art, but seeing as how most of the fanart/lewdart of Nick is him sporting a doughy-dummy-thich ass which is not my taste, I'll be using AI art that have been gifted to me in the past.

As much as I wish to stay and have more fun, I'm starting to drift off, replies later all, thanks for the weclom!

Man when was I under a rock? There's a sequel to Zootopia? And I missed out on 3 new series of Tom and Jerry? Damn... guess thats what happens when you focus more on retro stuff then modern