Dirty Slob

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Bristle is known around the bar as a crazy pig, and he is... He's a no good dirty swine in fact. He is addicted to drinking and gambling, he's a foul mouthed perverted bastard. He has a huge hunger for food, sex and the thrill of gambling. He is always down to have a good time and wants to explore. Life is short lets make it fun! Come to the bar let's have make some wild memories if you dare.

Appearance: He is usually walking around with a stained beater on and some brown shorts. He keeps his belt around him always ready to gamble with a deck of cards, booze. He has pink skin but sometimes he grows out his hair.

Will add more of his kinks and fetishes just ask for now

Name: Bristle

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Status: Man whore

funny enough i was just watching liar's bar XD

changed a profile picture
changed a profile cover